Source code for liesel.goose.types

Type aliases, type variables and protocols.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from import Callable, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, NewType, Protocol, TypeVar

    from .epoch import EpochState
    from .kernel import (

# simple type aliases

PyTree = Any
Array = Any

ModelState = PyTree
Position = NewType("Position", dict[str, Array])
KernelState = PyTree
KeyArray = Any
JitterFunction = Callable[[KeyArray, Array], Array]
JitterFunctions = dict[str, JitterFunction]

class TuningInfo(Protocol):
    """Holds information about sampler tuning."""

    error_code: int
    time: int

class TransitionInfo(Protocol):
    """Holds information about MCMC transitions."""

    error_code: int
    An error code defined in the error book of the kernel.
    0 if no errors occurred during the transition.

    acceptance_prob: float
    The acceptance probability of a proposal of a Metropolis-Hastings kernel
    or the average acceptance probability across a trajectory of a NUTS-type kernel.
    99.0 if not used by the kernel.

    position_moved: int
    0 if the position did not move during the transition, 1 if it *did* move,
    and 99 if unknown.

    def minimize(self) -> DefaultTransitionInfo:
        raise NotImplementedError

TKernelState = TypeVar("TKernelState", bound=KernelState)
TTransitionInfo = TypeVar("TTransitionInfo", bound=TransitionInfo)
TTuningInfo = TypeVar("TTuningInfo", bound=TuningInfo)

[docs] class ModelInterface(Protocol): """ Defines a standardized way for Goose to communicate with a statistical model. This means predominantly, to update the model state and to compute the log-probability. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def extract_position( self, position_keys: Sequence[str], model_state: ModelState ) -> Position: """ Extracts the position from the model state given a sequence of position keys. The returned position must have the same order as the supplied key sequence. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_state(self, position: Position, model_state: ModelState) -> ModelState: """Updates the model state with the values in the position.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def log_prob(self, model_state: ModelState) -> float: """Computes the unnormalized log-probability given the model state.""" raise NotImplementedError
class Kernel(Protocol[TKernelState, TTransitionInfo, TTuningInfo]): """Protocol for a transition kernel.""" error_book: ClassVar[dict[int, str]] """ Maps error codes to error messages. We use -1 if an error code is required but the kernel is skipped. """ needs_history: ClassVar[bool] = False """Is set to true if the kernel expects the history for tuning.""" position_keys: tuple[str, ...] """Keys for which the kernel handles the transition.""" identifier: str = "" """ An identifier for the kernel object that is set by the `EngineBuilder` if it is an empty string. """ @abstractmethod def set_model(self, model: ModelInterface): """Sets the model interface.""" ... @abstractmethod def has_model(self) -> bool: """Whether the model interface is set.""" ... @abstractmethod def init_state(self, prng_key: KeyArray, model_state: ModelState) -> KernelState: """Creates the initial kernel state.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def transition( self, prng_key: KeyArray, kernel_state: TKernelState, model_state: ModelState, epoch: EpochState, ) -> TransitionOutcome[TKernelState, TTransitionInfo]: """Handles one transition. Must be jittable.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def tune( self, prng_key: KeyArray, kernel_state: TKernelState, model_state: ModelState, epoch: EpochState, history: Position | None, ) -> TuningOutcome[TKernelState, TTuningInfo]: """ The method can perform automatic tuning of the kernel and is called after each adaptation epoch. To tune the kernel, the method can return an altered kernel state. Must be jittable. Parameters ---------- prng_key The key for JAX' pseudo-random number generator. model_state Current model state. kernel_state Current kernel state. epoch Current epoch state. history Holds the history of the position of the current epoch, i.e., that is the position but each leave in the pytree is enhanced by one dimension (axis = 0) which represents the time or MCMC iteration. The value may be ``None`` if the class variable :py:attr:`~needs_histroy` is ``False``. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def start_epoch( self, prng_key: KeyArray, kernel_state: TKernelState, model_state: ModelState, epoch: EpochState, ) -> TKernelState: """ Called at the beginning of an epoch. Must be jittable. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def end_epoch( self, prng_key: KeyArray, kernel_state: TKernelState, model_state: ModelState, epoch: EpochState, ) -> TKernelState: """ Called at the end of an epoch. Must be jittable. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def end_warmup( self, prng_key: KeyArray, kernel_state: TKernelState, model_state: ModelState, tuning_history: TTuningInfo | None, ) -> WarmupOutcome[TKernelState]: """ Asks the kernel to inspect the warmup history and react to it. This method is executed once the first non-warmup epoch is encountered and before :meth:`.start_epoch` is called. ``tuning_history`` is ``None`` if no tuning has happened prior to the first non-warmup epoch. Otherwise ``tuning_history`` has the same structure as returned from :meth:`.tune` but each leaf has an additional dimension. The first dimension refers to the n-the tuning. Must be jittable. The signature is likely to change. """ raise NotImplementedError class GeneratedQuantity(Protocol): """ Protocol representing the data structure for quantities generated via implmentations of :class:`.QuantityGenerator`. Concrete implementations should add additional attributes. The attribute ``error_code`` is reserved to store integers that map to error messages via the error book provided in the implmentation of :class:`.QuantityGenerator`. """ error_code: int TGeneratedQuantity = TypeVar( "TGeneratedQuantity", bound=GeneratedQuantity, covariant=True ) class QuantityGenerator(Protocol[TGeneratedQuantity]): """ Protocol for a class that calculates a quantity based on the model state and a random seed. """ error_book: ClassVar[dict[int, str]] identifier: str @abstractmethod def set_model(self, model: ModelInterface): """ Sets a model. Parameters ---------- model The model to be set. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def has_model(self) -> bool: """*True*, if a model has been set with :meth:`.set_model`.""" raise NotImplementedError def generate( self, prng_key: KeyArray, model_state: ModelState, epoch: EpochState, ) -> TGeneratedQuantity: """ Generates a new quantity based on the model and PRNG state. Parameters ---------- prng_key The key for JAX' pseudo-random number generator. model_state Current model state. epoch Current epoch state. """