Source code for liesel.model.viz

Model visualization.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

[docs] def plot_nodes(model, show=True, save_path=None, width=14, height=10, prog="dot"): """ Plots the nodes of a Liesel model. Parameters ---------- model The model to be plotted. show Whether to show the plot in a new window. save_path Path to save the plot. If not provided, the plot will not be saved. width Width of the plot in inches. height Height of the plot in inches. prog Layout parameter. Available layouts: circo, dot (the default), fdp, neato, osage, patchwork, sfdp, twopi. """ colors = [ "#fc8d62" if node.outdated else "#8da0cb" for node in model.node_graph.nodes ] _, axis, pos = _prepare_figure(model.node_graph, width, height, prog) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(model.node_graph, pos, node_color=colors, ax=axis) _add_labels(model.node_graph, axis, pos) _draw_edges(model.node_graph, axis, pos, False) if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path) if show:
[docs] def plot_vars(model, show=True, save_path=None, width=14, height=10, prog="dot"): """ Plots the variables of a Liesel model. Parameters ---------- model The model to be plotted. show Whether to show the plot in a new window. save_path Path to save the plot. If not provided, the plot will not be saved. width Width of the plot in inches. height Height of the plot in inches. prog Layout parameter. Available layouts: circo, dot (the default), fdp, neato, osage, patchwork, sfdp, twopi. """ _, axis, pos = _prepare_figure(model.var_graph, width, height, prog) _add_nodes_with_distribution_to_plot(model.var_graph, axis, pos) _add_nodes_without_distribution_to_plot(model.var_graph, axis, pos) _add_labels(model.var_graph, axis, pos) _draw_edges(model.var_graph, axis, pos, True) _add_legend(axis) if save_path: plt.savefig(save_path) if show:
def _prepare_figure(graph, width, height, prog): """Prepares the figure for plotting.""" fig, axis = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(width, height) if _is_pygraphviz_installed(): pos = nx.drawing.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(graph, prog=prog) else: pos = nx.fruchterman_reingold_layout(graph) return fig, axis, pos def _is_pygraphviz_installed(): """Checks if pygraphviz is installed.""" try: import pygraphviz # noqa: F401 except ImportError: return False else: return True def _add_nodes_with_distribution_to_plot(graph, axis, pos): """Adds nodes with distribution to the figure.""" nodes_with_distribution = { node: "#fc8d62" if node.weak else "#8da0cb" for node in graph.nodes if node.has_dist } nx.draw_networkx_nodes( graph, pos, node_size=1200, node_color=nodes_with_distribution.values(), nodelist=nodes_with_distribution, node_shape="*", ax=axis, ) def _add_nodes_without_distribution_to_plot(graph, axis, pos): """Adds nodes without distribution to the figure.""" nodes_without_distribution = { node: "#fc8d62" if node.weak else "#8da0cb" for node in graph.nodes if not node.has_dist } nx.draw_networkx_nodes( graph, pos, node_size=500, node_color=nodes_without_distribution.values(), nodelist=nodes_without_distribution, node_shape="o", ax=axis, ) def _add_labels(graph, axis, pos): """Adds labels to the figure.""" labels = { node: ( f"{type(node).__name__}\n{}" if is not None else ) for node in pos } nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos, labels=labels, ax=axis, font_size=10) def _draw_edges(graph, axis, pos, is_var): """Adds edges to the figure.""" edges = list(graph.edges) if is_var: dist_edges = [] non_dist_edges = [] for edge in edges: if edge[1].has_dist and bool( set(edge[0].nodes) & set(edge[1].dist_node.all_input_nodes()) ): dist_edges.append(edge) else: non_dist_edges.append(edge) nx.draw_networkx_edges( graph, pos, edgelist=dist_edges, edge_color="#aaaaaa", arrows=True, ax=axis, node_size=500, ) edges = non_dist_edges nx.draw_networkx_edges( graph, pos, edgelist=edges, edge_color="#111111", arrows=True, ax=axis, node_size=500, ) def _add_legend(axis): """Adds a legend to the figure.""" legend_elements = [ Line2D([0], [0], color="#8da0cb", lw=4, label="Strong"), Line2D([0], [0], color="#fc8d62", lw=4, label="Weak"), Line2D( [0], [0], marker="*", color="w", label="With distribution", markerfacecolor="k", markersize=18, ), Line2D( [0], [0], marker="o", color="w", label="Without distribution", markerfacecolor="k", markersize=12, ), Line2D( [0], [0], marker=r"$\rightarrow$", color="#111111", label="Used in value", markerfacecolor="k", markersize=12, lw=0, ), Line2D( [0], [0], marker=r"$\rightarrow$", color="#aaaaaa", label="Used in distribution", markerfacecolor="k", markersize=12, lw=0, ), ] axis.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc="best")