


class liesel.goose.summary_m.Summary(results, additional_chain=None, quantiles=(0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob=0.9, selected=None, deselected=None, per_chain=False)[source]#

Bases: object

A summary object.

Offers two main use cases:

  1. View an overall summary by printing a summary instance, including a summary table of the posterior samples and a summary of sammpling errors.

  2. Programmatically access summary statistics via quantities[quantity_name][var_name]. Please refer to the documentation of the attribute quantities for details.

Additionally, the summary object can be turned into a DataFrame using to_dataframe().

  • results (SamplingResults) – The sampling results to summarize.

  • additional_chain (Optional[NewType(Position, dict[str, Any])]) – can be supplied to add more parameters to the summary output. Must be a position chain which matches chain and time dimension of the posterior chain as returned by get_posterior_samples(). (default: None)

  • hdi_prob (float) – Level on which to return posterior highest density intervals. (default: 0.9)

  • selected (Optional[list[str]]) – Allow to get a summary only for a subset of the position keys. (default: None)

  • deselected (Optional[list[str]]) – Allow to get a summary only for a subset of the position keys. (default: None)

  • per_chain (bool) – If True, the summary is calculated on a per-chain basis. Certain measures like rhat are not available if per_chain is True. (default: False)


This class is still considered experimental. The API may still undergo larger changes.


This section is empty if this class has only inherited attributes.


Returns an overview of the errors recorded during sampling as a dataframe.

from_result(result[, additional_chain, ...])

Alias for from_results() for backwards compatibility.

from_results(results[, additional_chain, ...])

Creates a Summary object from a results object.


Turns Summary object into a DataFrame object.


This section is empty if this class has only inherited attributes.


Whether results are summarized for individual chains (True), or aggregated over chains (False).


Dict of summarizing quantities.


A dictionary of config settings for this summary object.


Dictionary of meta-information about the mcmc samples used to create this summary object.


Contains error information for each kernel.


A dict, linking parameter names (the keys) to the kernel identifier (the values).