Source code for liesel.goose.warmup

Standard warmup schemes.

from functools import partial

from .epoch import EpochConfig, EpochType

_EpochConfig = partial(EpochConfig, optional=None)

[docs] def stan_epochs( warmup_duration: int = 1000, posterior_duration: int = 1000, init_duration: int = 75, term_duration: int = 50, base_duration: int = 25, thinning_posterior: int = 1, thinning_warmup: int = 1, ) -> list[EpochConfig]: """ Sets up a list of :class:`.EpochConfig`'s. This follows the Stan Development Team (Stan Reference Manual 2021, Chapter 15.2 [#stanmanual]_). Parameters ---------- warmup_duration The number of warmup samples. posterior_duration The number of posterior samples. init_duration The number of samples in the *initial fast* adaptation epoch. term_duration The number of samples in the *final fast* adaptation epoch. base_duration The number of samples in the *first slow* adaptation epoch. thinning_posterior Thinning applied in the posterior epoch. thinning_warmup Thinning applied in each warmup. Warnings -------- Kernels which rely on history tuning might not be able to deal with thinning during warmup. References ---------- .. [#stanmanual] # noqa: E501 """ if warmup_duration < 20: raise ValueError("warmup_duration too short (< 20)") if warmup_duration < init_duration + term_duration + base_duration: raise ValueError( "warmup_duration too short " "(< init_duration + term_duration + base_duration)" ) epochs = [_EpochConfig(EpochType.INITIAL_VALUES, duration=1, thinning=1)] epochs.append( _EpochConfig(EpochType.FAST_ADAPTATION, init_duration, thinning_warmup) ) time_left = warmup_duration - init_duration - term_duration this_time = base_duration while 3 * this_time <= time_left: epochs.append( _EpochConfig(EpochType.SLOW_ADAPTATION, this_time, thinning_warmup) ) time_left -= this_time this_time *= 2 epochs.append(_EpochConfig(EpochType.SLOW_ADAPTATION, time_left, thinning_warmup)) epochs.append( _EpochConfig(EpochType.FAST_ADAPTATION, term_duration, thinning_warmup) ) epochs.append( _EpochConfig(EpochType.POSTERIOR, posterior_duration, thinning_posterior) ) return epochs