

Nodes and variables.


obs(value[, distribution, name])

Helper function that returns an observed Var.

param(value[, distribution, name])

Helper function that returns a parameter Var.

add_group(name, **kwargs)

Assigns the nodes and variables to a group.


Calc(function, *inputs[, _name, ...])

A Node subclass that calculates its value based on its inputs nodes.

Value(value[, _name])

A Node subclass that holds constant values.

Dist(distribution, *inputs[, _name, _needs_seed])

A Node subclass that wraps a probability distribution.

Group(name, **nodes_and_vars)

A group holds a collection of related Var and/or Node objects.

InputGroup(*inputs[, _name, _needs_seed])

A node that groups its inputs for another node.

Node(*inputs[, _name, _needs_seed])

A node of a computational graph that can cache its value.

NodeState(value, outdated[, extra])

The state of a node.

TransientCalc(function, *inputs[, _name, ...])

A transient calculator node that does not cache its value.

TransientDist(distribution, *inputs[, ...])

A transient distribution node that does not cache its value.

TransientIdentity(_input[, _name])

A transient identity node that does not cache its value.

TransientNode(*inputs[, _name, _needs_seed])

A node that does not cache its value.

Var(value[, distribution, name])

A variable in a statistical model.