Source code for liesel.model.nodes

Nodes and variables.

from __future__ import annotations

import weakref
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable
from functools import wraps
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, NamedTuple, Union

import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.bijectors as jb
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as jd
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.numpy.bijectors as nb
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.numpy.distributions as nd

from ..distributions.nodist import NoDistribution

    from .model import Model

__all__ = [

Array = Any
Distribution = Union[jd.Distribution, nd.Distribution]
Bijector = Union[jb.Bijector, nb.Bijector]

def in_model_method(fn):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.model:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{repr(self)} is not part of a model, cannot call {fn.__name__}()"
        return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

def in_model_getter(fn):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.model:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{repr(self)} is not part of a model, cannot call '{fn.__name__}'"
        return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

def no_model_method(fn):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.model:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{repr(self)} is part of a model, cannot call {fn.__name__}()"
        return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

def no_model_setter(fn):
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.model:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"{repr(self)} is part of a model, cannot set '{fn.__name__}'"
        return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapped

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[docs]class NodeState(NamedTuple): """The state of a node.""" value: Any """The value of the node.""" outdated: bool """Whether the node is outdated.""" extra: Any = None """Optional extra information."""
[docs]class Node(ABC): """A node of a computational graph.""" def __init__( self, *inputs: Any, _name: str = "", _needs_seed: bool = False, **kwinputs: Any, ): self._groups: set[tuple[str, str]] = set() self._inputs = tuple(self._to_node(_input) for _input in inputs) self._kwinputs = {kw: self._to_node(_input) for kw, _input in kwinputs.items()} self._kwinputs_proxy = MappingProxyType(self._kwinputs) self._model: weakref.ref[Model] | Callable[[], None] = lambda: None self._name = _name self._needs_seed = _needs_seed self._outdated = True self._outputs: frozenset[Node] = frozenset() self._value: Any = None self._var: Var | None = None self.monitor = False """Whether the node should be monitored by an inference algorithm.""" def _add_output(self, output: Node) -> Node: self._outputs = self._outputs | frozenset({output}) return self def _clear_outputs(self) -> Node: self._outputs = frozenset() return self def _set_model(self, model: Model) -> Node: if self.model: raise RuntimeError(f"{repr(self)} can only be part of one model") self._model = weakref.ref(model) return self def _set_var(self, var: Var) -> Node: if self.var: raise RuntimeError(f"{repr(self)} can only be part of one var") self._var = var return self @staticmethod def _to_node(x: Any) -> Node: if isinstance(x, Var): return x.var_value_node if not isinstance(x, Node): return Data(x) return x def _unset_model(self) -> Node: self._model = lambda: None return self def _unset_var(self) -> Node: self._var = None return self
[docs] def all_input_nodes(self) -> frozenset[Node]: """Returns all non-keyword and keyword input nodes as a frozen set.""" return frozenset(self.inputs) | frozenset(self.kwinputs.values())
[docs] @in_model_method def all_output_nodes(self) -> frozenset[Node]: """Returns all output nodes as a frozen set.""" return self.outputs
[docs] def clear_state(self) -> Node: """Clears the state of the node.""" self.state = NodeState(None, True) return self
[docs] @in_model_method def flag_outdated(self) -> Node: """Flags the node and its recursive outputs as outdated.""" self._outdated = True for node in self._outputs: node.flag_outdated() return self
@property def groups(self) -> set[tuple[str, str]]: """ The groups the node is part of. The groups are defined as a set of tuples, each of which consists of the group name and the key of the node in the group, e.g.:: { ("group1", "key_in_group1"), ("group2", "key_in_group2"), } """ return self._groups @groups.setter def groups(self, groups: set[tuple[str, str]]): self._groups = groups @property def inputs(self) -> tuple[Node, ...]: """The non-keyword input nodes.""" return self._inputs @property def kwinputs(self) -> MappingProxyType[str, Node]: """The keyword input nodes.""" return self._kwinputs_proxy @property def model(self) -> Model | None: """The model the node is part of.""" return self._model() @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the node.""" return self._name @name.setter @no_model_setter def name(self, name: str): self._name = name @property def needs_seed(self) -> bool: """Whether the node needs a seed / PRNG key.""" return self._needs_seed @needs_seed.setter @no_model_setter def needs_seed(self, needs_seed: bool): self._needs_seed = needs_seed @property def outdated(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is outdated.""" if not self.model: return True return self._outdated @property @in_model_getter def outputs(self) -> frozenset[Node]: """The output nodes.""" return self._outputs
[docs] @no_model_method def set_inputs(self, *inputs: Any, **kwinputs: Any) -> Node: """Sets the non-keyword and keyword input nodes.""" self._inputs = tuple(self._to_node(_input) for _input in inputs) self._kwinputs.clear() kwinputs = {kw: self._to_node(_input) for kw, _input in kwinputs.items()} self._kwinputs.update(kwinputs) return self
@property def state(self) -> NodeState: """ The state of the node. For the default node, a :class:`.NodeState` with the value and the outdated flag, but subclasses can add extra information to the state. """ return NodeState(self.value, self.outdated) @state.setter def state(self, state: NodeState): self._value = state.value self._outdated = state.outdated
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self) -> Node: """Updates the value of the node."""
@property def value(self) -> Any: """ The value of the node. Can only be set for a :class:`.Data` node, but not a :class:`.Calc` or :class:`.Dist` node. If the node is part of a :class:`.Model` ``m`` with ``m.auto_update == True``, setting the value of the node triggers an update of the model. The auto-update can be disabled to improve the performance if multiple model parameters are updated at once. """ return self._value @property def var(self) -> Var | None: """The variable the node is part of.""" return self._var def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_kwinputs_proxy"] = None state["_model"] = self._model() return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self._kwinputs_proxy = MappingProxyType(self._kwinputs) if self._model is not None: self._model = weakref.ref(self._model) else: self._model = lambda: None def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}<{}>"
[docs]class TransientNode(Node): """ A node that does not cache its value. A transient node is outdated if and only if at least one of its input nodes is outdated. The :attr:`.outdated` property checks this condition on-the-fly. """ @property def outdated(self) -> bool: """ Whether the node is outdated. A transient node is outdated if and only if at least one of its input nodes is outdated. This condition is checked on-the-fly. """ if not self.model: return True return any(_input.outdated for _input in self.all_input_nodes()) @property def state(self) -> NodeState: """The state of the node with the value ``None``.""" return NodeState(None, self.outdated) @state.setter def state(self, state: NodeState): self._value = state.value self._outdated = state.outdated
[docs] def update(self): """Does nothing.""" return self
@property @abstractmethod def value(self) -> Any: """ The value of the node. Computed on-the-fly. """
class ArgGroup(NamedTuple): """A group of arguments as a named tuple of ``args`` and ``kwargs``.""" args: list[Any] """The non-keyword arguments.""" kwargs: dict[str, Any] """The keyword arguments."""
[docs]class InputGroup(TransientNode): """ A node that groups its inputs for another node. Essentially, this node "forwards" the values of its inputs to its outputs as an :class:`.ArgGroup`. """ @property def value(self) -> ArgGroup: args = [_input.value for _input in self.inputs] kwargs = {kw: _input.value for kw, _input in self.kwinputs.items()} return ArgGroup(args, kwargs)
[docs]class Data(Node): """A data node. Always up-to-date.""" def __init__(self, value: Any, _name: str = ""): super().__init__(_name=_name) self._value = value
[docs] def flag_outdated(self) -> Data: """Stops the recursion setting outdated flags.""" return self
@property def outdated(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] def update(self) -> Data: """Does nothing.""" return self
@property def value(self) -> Any: return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value: Any): self._value = value if self.model: for node in self.outputs: node.flag_outdated() if self.model.auto_update: self.model.update()
[docs]class Calc(Node): """A calculator node.""" def __init__( self, function: Callable[..., Any], *inputs: Any, _name: str = "", _needs_seed: bool = False, **kwinputs: Any, ): super().__init__(*inputs, **kwinputs, _name=_name, _needs_seed=_needs_seed) self._function = function @property def function(self) -> Callable[..., Any]: """The wrapped function.""" return self._function @function.setter @no_model_setter def function(self, function: Callable[..., Any]): self._function = function
[docs] def update(self) -> Calc: args = [_input.value for _input in self.inputs] kwargs = {kw: _input.value for kw, _input in self.kwinputs.items()} self._value = self.function(*args, **kwargs) self._outdated = False return self
[docs]class TransientCalc(TransientNode, Calc): """A transient calculator node that does not cache its value.""" @property def value(self) -> Any: args = [_input.value for _input in self.inputs] kwargs = {kw: _input.value for kw, _input in self.kwinputs.items()} return self.function(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TransientIdentity(TransientCalc): """ A transient identity node that does not cache its value. Essentially, this node "forwards" the value of its input to its outputs. """ def __init__(self, _input: Any, _name: str = ""): super().__init__(lambda x: x, _input, _name=_name)
class VarValue(TransientIdentity): """ A proxy node for the value of a :class:`.Var`. This node type is used to keep the references to a variable intact, even if the underlying value node is replaced. """
[docs]class Dist(Node): """A distribution node.""" def __init__( self, distribution: Callable[..., Distribution], *inputs: Any, _name: str = "", _needs_seed: bool = False, **kwinputs: Any, ): super().__init__(*inputs, **kwinputs, _name=_name, _needs_seed=_needs_seed) self._at: Node | None = None self._distribution = distribution self._per_obs = True
[docs] def all_input_nodes(self) -> frozenset[Node]: inputs = super().all_input_nodes() if inputs = inputs | frozenset({}) return inputs
@property def at(self) -> Node | None: """Where to evaluate the distribution.""" return self._at @at.setter @no_model_setter def at(self, at: Node | None): if self.var and at is not self.var.var_value_node: raise RuntimeError( f"{repr(self)} is part of a var, cannot set property `at`" ) self._at = at @property def distribution(self) -> Callable[..., Distribution]: """The wrapped distribution.""" return self._distribution @distribution.setter @no_model_setter def distribution(self, distribution: Callable[..., Distribution]): self._distribution = distribution
[docs] def init_dist(self) -> Distribution: """Initializes the distribution.""" args = [_input.value for _input in self.inputs] kwargs = {kw: _input.value for kw, _input in self.kwinputs.items()} dist = self.distribution(*args, **kwargs) return dist
@property def log_prob(self) -> Array: """The log-probability of the distribution.""" return self.value @property def per_obs(self) -> bool: """Whether the log-probability is stored per observation or summed up.""" return self._per_obs @per_obs.setter @no_model_setter def per_obs(self, per_obs: bool): self._per_obs = per_obs
[docs] def update(self) -> Dist: if not raise RuntimeError( f"{repr(self)} cannot evaluate log-prob, property `at` not set" ) log_prob = self.init_dist().log_prob( if not self.per_obs and hasattr(log_prob, "sum"): log_prob = log_prob.sum() self._value = log_prob self._outdated = False return self
[docs]class TransientDist(TransientNode, Dist): """A transient distribution node that does not cache its value.""" @property def value(self) -> Any: if not raise RuntimeError( f"{repr(self)} cannot evaluate log-prob, property `at` not set" ) log_prob = self.init_dist().log_prob( if not self.per_obs and hasattr(log_prob, "sum"): log_prob = log_prob.sum() return log_prob
class NoDist(Dist): def __init__(self): super().__init__(NoDistribution) def all_input_nodes(self) -> frozenset[Node]: return frozenset() def all_output_nodes(self) -> frozenset[Node]: return frozenset() @property def outputs(self) -> frozenset[Node]: return frozenset() def update(self) -> NoDist: return self @property def value(self) -> float: return 0.0 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Variable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class Var: """A variable wrapping a value and a distribution node.""" __slots__ = ( "_dist_node", "_groups", "_name", "_observed", "_parameter", "_role", "_value_node", "_var_value_node", "info", ) def __init__( self, value: Any, distribution: Dist | None = None, name: str = "", ): self._name = name self._value_node: Node = Data(None) self._dist_node: Dist = NoDist() self._var_value_node: VarValue = VarValue( self._value_node, _name=f"{self._name}_var_value" ) self._var_value_node._set_var(self) # use setters self.value_node = value # type: ignore # unfrozen self.dist_node = distribution # type: ignore # unfrozen self._observed = False self._parameter = False self._role = "" self._groups: set[tuple[str, str]] = set() dict[str, Any] = {} """Additional meta-information about the variable as a dict."""
[docs] def all_input_nodes(self) -> frozenset[Node]: """Returns all input *nodes* as a frozen set.""" return self.value_node.all_input_nodes() | self._dist_node.all_input_nodes()
[docs] def all_input_vars(self) -> frozenset[Var]: """ Returns all input *variables* as a frozen set. The returned set also contains input variables that are indirect inputs of this variable through nodes without variables. """ nodes = set(self.all_input_nodes()) visited = [] _vars = set() while nodes: node = nodes.pop() if node not in visited: if node.var and node.var is not self: _vars.add(node.var) else: nodes.update(node.all_input_nodes()) visited.append(node) return frozenset(_vars)
[docs] @in_model_method def all_output_nodes(self) -> frozenset[Node]: """Returns all output *nodes* as a frozen set.""" nodes = set(self.value_node.all_output_nodes()) nodes.update(self.var_value_node.all_output_nodes()) nodes.update(self._dist_node.all_output_nodes()) nodes.discard(self.var_value_node) return frozenset(nodes)
[docs] @in_model_method def all_output_vars(self) -> frozenset[Var]: """ Returns all output *variables* as a frozen set. The returned set also contains output variables that are indirect outputs of this variable through nodes without variables. """ nodes = set(self.all_output_nodes()) visited = [] _vars = set() while nodes: node = nodes.pop() if node not in visited: if node.var and node.var is not self: _vars.add(node.var) else: nodes.update(node.all_output_nodes()) visited.append(node) return frozenset(_vars)
@property def dist_node(self) -> Dist | None: """The distribution node of the variable.""" return self._dist_node if self.has_dist else None @dist_node.setter @no_model_setter def dist_node(self, dist_node: Dist | None): if not dist_node: dist_node = NoDist() if dist_node.model: raise RuntimeError( f"{repr(dist_node)} is part of a model, cannot be set as dist node" ) if and not = f"{}_log_prob" # type: ignore # unfrozen self._dist_node._unset_var() dist_node._set_var(self) = self.var_value_node # type: ignore # unfrozen self._dist_node = dist_node @property def groups(self) -> set[tuple[str, str]]: """ The groups the variable belongs to. The groups are defined as a set of tuples, each of which consists of the group name and the key of the variable in the group, e.g.:: { ("group1", "key_in_group1"), ("group2", "key_in_group2"), } """ return self._groups @groups.setter def groups(self, groups: set[tuple[str, str]]): self._groups = groups @property def has_dist(self) -> bool: """Whether the variable has a probability distribution.""" return not isinstance(self._dist_node, NoDist) @property def log_prob(self) -> Array: """ The log-probability of the variable. A variable without a probability distribution has a log-probability of 0.0. """ return self._dist_node.value @property def model(self) -> Model | None: """The model the variable is part of.""" return self.value_node.model @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the variable.""" return self._name @name.setter @no_model_setter def name(self, name: str): if name and in ("", f"{}_value"): = f"{name}_value" # type: ignore # unfrozen = f"{name}_var_value" # type: ignore # unfrozen if name and in ("", f"{}_log_prob"): = f"{name}_log_prob" # type: ignore # unfrozen self._name = name @property def nodes(self) -> list[Node]: """The nodes of the variable as a list.""" nodes = [self.value_node, self.var_value_node] if self.dist_node: nodes.append(self.dist_node) return nodes @property def observed(self) -> bool: """Whether the variable is observed.""" return self._observed @observed.setter @no_model_setter def observed(self, observed: bool): self._observed = observed @property def parameter(self) -> bool: """Whether the variable is a parameter.""" return self._parameter @parameter.setter @no_model_setter def parameter(self, parameter: bool): self._parameter = parameter @property def role(self) -> str: """The role of the variable.""" return self._role @role.setter def role(self, role: str): self._role = role @property def strong(self) -> bool: """Whether the variable is strong.""" return isinstance(self.value_node, Data)
[docs] def update(self) -> Var: """Updates the variable.""" self.value_node.update() self._dist_node.update() return self
@property def value(self) -> Any: """ The value of the variable. Can only be set if the variable is strong. If the variable is part of a :class:`.Model` ``m`` with ``m.auto_update == True``, setting the value of the variable triggers an update of the model. The auto-update can be disabled to improve the performance if multiple model parameters are updated at once. """ return self.value_node.value @value.setter def value(self, value: Any): if self.weak: raise RuntimeError(f"{repr(self)} is weak, cannot set value") self.value_node.value = value # type: ignore # data node @property def value_node(self) -> Node: """The value node of the variable.""" return self._value_node @value_node.setter @no_model_setter def value_node(self, value_node: Any): if isinstance(value_node, Var): value_node = Calc(lambda x: x, value_node) if not isinstance(value_node, Node): value_node = Data(value_node) if value_node.model: raise RuntimeError( f"{repr(value_node)} is part of a model, cannot be set as value node" ) if and not = f"{}_value" self.value_node._unset_var() value_node._set_var(self) self._value_node = value_node self._var_value_node.set_inputs(self._value_node) @property def var_value_node(self) -> VarValue: """The proxy node for the value of the variable.""" return self._var_value_node @property def weak(self) -> bool: """Whether the variable is weak.""" return not self.strong def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}<{}>"
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Variable helpers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def Obs(value: Any | Calc, distribution: Dist | None = None, name: str = "") -> Var: """Defines an observed variable.""" var = Var(value, distribution, name) var.observed = True return var
[docs]def Param(value: Any | Calc, distribution: Dist | None = None, name: str = "") -> Var: """Defines a parameter variable.""" var = Var(value, distribution, name) var.value_node.monitor = True var.parameter = True return var
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Other helpers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def add_group(name: str, **kwargs: Node | Var) -> None: """ Assigns the nodes and variables to a group. See :attr:`liesel.model.nodes.Node.groups`. Parameters ---------- name The name of the group. kwargs The nodes and variables in the group with their keys in the group as keywords. """ for key, arg in kwargs.items(): arg.groups.add((name, key))