Source code for liesel.goose.summary_m

Posterior statistics and diagnostics.

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, NamedTuple

import arviz as az
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jaxlib.xla_extension
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

from liesel.goose.engine import ErrorLog, SamplingResults
from liesel.goose.pytree import slice_leaves, stack_leaves
from liesel.goose.types import Position
from liesel.option import Option

[docs]class ErrorSummaryForOneCode(NamedTuple): error_code: int error_msg: str count_per_chain: np.ndarray count_per_chain_posterior: None
ErrorSummary = dict[str, dict[int, ErrorSummaryForOneCode]] """ See docstring of ``_make_error_summary``. """ def _make_error_summary( error_log: ErrorLog, posterior_error_log: Option[ErrorLog], ) -> ErrorSummary: """ Creates an error summary from the error log. The returned value looks like this:: { kernel_identifier: { error_code: (error_code, error_msg, count, count_in_posterior), error_code: (error_code, error_msg, count, count_in_posterior), ... }, ... } The ``error_msg`` is the empty string if the kernel class is not supplied in the ``error_log``. """ error_summary = {} for kel in error_log.values(): counter_dict: dict[int, np.ndarray] = {} # calculate the overall counts ec_unique = np.unique(kel.error_codes) for ec in ec_unique: if ec == 0: continue occurences_per_chain = np.sum(kel.error_codes == ec, axis=1) counter_dict[ec] = occurences_per_chain krnl_summary: dict[int, ErrorSummaryForOneCode] = {} for key, count in counter_dict.items(): ec = key # type ignore is ok since the type must implement the kernel protocol. error_msg = kel.kernel_cls.map_or( "", lambda krn_cls: krn_cls.error_book[ec] # type: ignore ) krnl_summary[ec] = ErrorSummaryForOneCode(ec, error_msg, count, None) # calculate the counts in the posterior if posterior_error_log.is_some(): posterior_error_log_unwrapped = posterior_error_log.unwrap() kel_post = posterior_error_log_unwrapped[kel.kernel_ident] for ec in ec_unique: if ec == 0: continue occurences_per_chain = np.sum(kel_post.error_codes == ec, axis=1) krnl_summary[ec] = krnl_summary[ec]._replace( count_per_chain_posterior=occurences_per_chain ) error_summary[kel.kernel_ident] = krnl_summary return error_summary
[docs]class Summary: """ A summary object. Offers two main use cases: 1. View an overall summary by printing a summary instance, including a summary table of the posterior samples and a summary of sammpling errors. 2. Programmatically access summary statistics via ``quantities[quantity_name][var_name]``. Please refer to the documentation of the attribute :attr:`.quantities` for details. Additionally, the summary object can be turned into a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` using :meth:`.to_dataframe`. Parameters ---------- results The sampling results to summarize. additional_chain can be supplied to add more parameters to the summary output. Must be a position chain which matches chain and time dimension of the posterior chain as returned by :meth:`.SamplingResults.get_posterior_samples`. hdi_prob Level on which to return posterior highest density intervals. selected, deselected Allow to get a summary only for a subset of the position keys. per_chain If *True*, the summary is calculated on a per-chain basis. Certain measures like ``rhat`` are not available if ``per_chain`` is *True*. Notes ----- This class is still considered experimental. The API may still undergo larger changes. """ per_chain: bool """ Whether results are summarized for individual chains (*True*), or aggregated over chains (*False*). """ quantities: dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]] """ Dict of summarizing quantities. Built up in hierarchies as. Let ``summary`` be a :class:`.Summary` instance. The hierarchy is:: q = summary.quantities["quantity_name"]["parameter_name"] The extracted object is an ``np.ndarray``. If ``per_chain=True``, the arrays for the ``"quantile"`` and ``"hdi"`` quantities have the following dimensions: 1. First index refers to the chain 2. Second index refers to the quantile/interval 3. Third and subsequent indices refer to individual parameters. If ``per_chain=True``, the arrays for the other quantiles have the dimensions: 1. First index refers to the chain 2. Second and subsequent indices refer to individual parameters. If ``per_chain=False``, the first index is removed for all quantities. """ config: dict """ A dictionary of config settings for this summary object. Should NOT be changed after initialization; such changes have no effect on the computed summary values. """ sample_info: dict """ Dictionary of meta-information about the mcmc samples used to create this summary object. Contains ``num_chains``, ``sample_size_per_chain``, and ``warmup_size_per_chain``. """ error_summary: ErrorSummary """ Contains error information for each kernel. """ kernels_by_pos_key: dict[str, str] """ A dict, linking parameter names (the keys) to the kernel identifier (the values). The identifier refers to the kernel that was used to sample the respective parameter. """ def __init__( self, results: SamplingResults, additional_chain: Position | None = None, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob: float = 0.9, selected: list[str] | None = None, deselected: list[str] | None = None, per_chain: bool = False, ): posterior_chain = results.get_posterior_samples() if additional_chain: for k, v in additional_chain.items(): posterior_chain[k] = v if selected: posterior_chain = Position( { key: value for key, value in posterior_chain.items() if key in selected } ) if deselected is not None: for key in deselected: del posterior_chain[key] # get some general infos on the sampling param_chain = next(iter(posterior_chain.values())) epochs = results.positions.get_epochs() warmup_size = np.sum( [epoch.duration for epoch in epochs if epoch.type.is_warmup(epoch.type)] ) sample_info = { "num_chains": param_chain.shape[0], "sample_size_per_chain": param_chain.shape[1], "warmup_size_per_chain": warmup_size, } # convert everything to numpy array for key in posterior_chain: posterior_chain[key] = np.asarray(posterior_chain[key]) # calculate quantiles either per chain and merge the results or all at once single_chain_summaries = [] if per_chain: for chain_idx in range(sample_info["num_chains"]): single_chain = slice_leaves( posterior_chain, jnp.s_[None, chain_idx, ...] ) qdict = _create_quantity_dict(single_chain, quantiles, hdi_prob) single_chain_summaries.append(qdict) quantities = stack_leaves(single_chain_summaries, axis=0) else: quantities = _create_quantity_dict(posterior_chain, quantiles, hdi_prob) config = { "quantiles": quantiles, "hdi_prob": hdi_prob, "chains_merged": not per_chain, } error_summary = _make_error_summary( results.get_error_log(False).unwrap(), results.get_error_log(True) ) self.per_chain = per_chain self.quantities = quantities self.config = config self.sample_info = sample_info self.error_summary = error_summary self.kernels_by_pos_key = results.get_kernels_by_pos_key()
[docs] def to_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Turns Summary object into a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object.""" # don't change the original data quants = self.quantities.copy() # make new entries for the quantiles if self.per_chain: for i, q in enumerate(self.config["quantiles"]): quants[f"q_{q}"] = { k: v[:, i, ...] for k, v in quants["quantile"].items() } quants["hdi_low"] = {k: v[:, 0, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} quants["hdi_high"] = {k: v[:, 1, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} else: for i, q in enumerate(self.config["quantiles"]): quants[f"q_{q}"] = {k: v[i, ...] for k, v in quants["quantile"].items()} quants["hdi_low"] = {k: v[0, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} quants["hdi_high"] = {k: v[1, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} # remove the old entries del quants["quantile"] del quants["hdi"] # create one row per entry df_dict = {} for var in quants["mean"].keys(): it = np.nditer(quants["mean"][var], flags=["multi_index"]) for _ in it: var_fqn = ( var if len(it.multi_index) == 0 else f"{var}{list(it.multi_index)}" ) quant_per_elem: dict[str, Any] = {} quant_per_elem["variable"] = var quant_per_elem["kernel"] = self.kernels_by_pos_key.get(var, "-") if self.config["chains_merged"]: quant_per_elem["var_index"] = it.multi_index quant_per_elem["sample_size"] = ( self.sample_info["sample_size_per_chain"] * self.sample_info["num_chains"] ) else: quant_per_elem["chain_index"] = it.multi_index[0] quant_per_elem["var_index"] = it.multi_index[1:] quant_per_elem["sample_size"] = self.sample_info[ "sample_size_per_chain" ] for quant_name, quant_dict in quants.items(): quant_per_elem[quant_name] = quant_dict[var][it.multi_index] # convert DeviceArrays (scalar) to floats so that # pandas treats them correctly for key, val in quant_per_elem.items(): if type(val) == jaxlib.xla_extension.DeviceArray: # make mypy happy val = typing.cast(jnp.ndarray, val) # value should be a scalar assert val.shape == () # convert to float32 val = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(val))[0] quant_per_elem[key] = val df_dict[var_fqn] = quant_per_elem # convert to dataframe and use varname as index df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df_dict, orient="index") df = df.reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={"index": "var_fqn"}) df = df.set_index("variable") return df
def _param_df(self): df = self.to_dataframe() = "parameter" df = df.rename(columns={"var_index": "index"}) df = df.set_index("index", append=True) qtls = [f"q_{qtl}" for qtl in self.config["quantiles"]] cols = ( ["kernel", "mean", "sd"] + qtls + ["sample_size", "ess_bulk", "ess_tail", "rhat"] ) cols = [col for col in cols if col in df.columns] df = df[cols] return df def _error_df(self, per_chain=False): # fmt: off df = pd.concat({ kernel: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(code_summary, orient="index") for kernel, code_summary in self.error_summary.items() }) # fmt: on if df.empty: return df df = df.reset_index(level=1, drop=True) df["error_code"] = df["error_code"].astype(int) df = df.set_index(["error_code", "error_msg"], append=True) df.index.names = ["kernel", "error_code", "error_msg"] # fmt: off df = df.rename(columns={ "count_per_chain": "total", "count_per_chain_posterior": "posterior", }) # fmt: on df = df.explode(["total", "posterior"]) df["warmup"] = df["total"] - df["posterior"] df = df.drop(columns="total") df = df.melt( value_vars=["warmup", "posterior"], var_name="phase", value_name="count", ignore_index=False, ) df["phase"] = pd.Categorical(df["phase"], categories=["warmup", "posterior"]) df = df.set_index("phase", append=True) df["chain"] = df.groupby(level=[0, 1, 2, 3]).cumcount() df = df.set_index("chain", append=True) df = df.sort_index() df["sample_size"] = None warmup_size = self.sample_info["warmup_size_per_chain"] posterior_size = self.sample_info["sample_size_per_chain"] df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, :, "warmup"], "sample_size"] = warmup_size df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, :, "posterior"], "sample_size"] = posterior_size df["relative"] = df["count"] / df["sample_size"] df = df.drop(columns="sample_size") if not per_chain: df = df.groupby(level=[0, 1, 2, 3], observed=True) df = df.aggregate({"count": "sum", "relative": "mean"}) df = df.sort_index() return df def __repr__(self): param_df = self._param_df() error_df = self._error_df() txt = "Parameter summary:\n\n" + repr(param_df) if not error_df.empty: txt += "\n\nError summary:\n\n" + repr(error_df) return txt def _repr_html_(self): param_df = self._param_df() error_df = self._error_df() html = "\n<p><strong>Parameter summary:</strong></p>\n" + param_df.to_html() if not error_df.empty: html += "\n<p><strong>Error summary:</strong></p>\n" + error_df.to_html() html += "\n" return html def _repr_markdown_(self): param_df = self._param_df() error_df = self._error_df() try: param_md = param_df.to_markdown() error_md = error_df.to_markdown() except ImportError: param_md = f"```\n{repr(param_df)}\n```" error_md = f"```\n{repr(error_df)}\n```" md = "\n\n**Parameter summary:**\n\n" + param_md if not error_df.empty: md += "\n\n**Error summary:**\n\n" + error_md md += "\n\n" return md def __str__(self): return str(self.to_dataframe())
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated(reason="Functionality moved directly to the __init__.", version="0.1.4") def from_result( cls, result: SamplingResults, additional_chain: Position | None = None, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob: float = 0.9, selected: list[str] | None = None, deselected: list[str] | None = None, per_chain=False, ) -> Summary: """ Alias for :meth:`.from_results` for backwards compatibility. In addition to the name, there are two further subtle differences to :meth:`.from_results`. - The argument ``result`` is in singular. The method :meth:`.from_results` uses the plural instead. - The argument ``result`` is of type :class:`.SamplingResult`, which itself is an alias for :meth:`.SamplingResults`. """ return cls.from_results( results=result, additional_chain=additional_chain, quantiles=quantiles, hdi_prob=hdi_prob, selected=selected, deselected=deselected, per_chain=per_chain, )
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecated(reason="Functionality moved directly to the __init__.", version="0.1.4") def from_results( results: SamplingResults, additional_chain: Position | None = None, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob: float = 0.9, selected: list[str] | None = None, deselected: list[str] | None = None, per_chain=False, ) -> Summary: """ Creates a :class:`.Summary` object from a results object. """ return Summary( results=results, additional_chain=additional_chain, quantiles=quantiles, hdi_prob=hdi_prob, selected=selected, deselected=deselected, per_chain=per_chain, )
def _create_quantity_dict( chain: Position, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float ) -> dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]]: azchain = az.convert_to_inference_data(chain).posterior # calculate quantities mean = azchain.mean(dim=["chain", "draw"]) var = azchain.var(dim=["chain", "draw"]) sd = azchain.std(dim=["chain", "draw"]) quantile = azchain.quantile(q=quantiles, dim=["chain", "draw"]) hdi = az.hdi(azchain, hdi_prob=hdi_prob) ess_bulk = az.ess(azchain, method="bulk") ess_tail = az.ess(azchain, method="tail") mcse_mean = az.mcse(azchain, method="mean") mcse_sd = az.mcse(azchain, method="sd") # place quantities in dict quantities = { "mean": mean, "var": var, "sd": sd, "quantile": quantile, "hdi": hdi, "rhat": None, "ess_bulk": ess_bulk, "ess_tail": ess_tail, "mcse_mean": mcse_mean, "mcse_sd": mcse_sd, } if azchain.chain.size > 1: quantities["rhat"] = az.rhat(azchain) else: del quantities["rhat"] # convert to simple dict[str, np.ndarray] for key, val in quantities.items(): quantities[key] = {k: v.values for k, v in val.data_vars.items()} # hdi shape BEFORE # VarIDX --- HDI # special treatment for hdi since the function uses the last axis to refer # to the quantile for k, v in quantities["hdi"].items(): quantities["hdi"][k] = np.moveaxis(v, -1, 0) # hdi shape AFTER # HDI --- VarIDX return quantities