Source code for liesel.liesel.nodes

Model nodes.

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import reduce
from types import ModuleType
from typing import (

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np

from liesel.option import Option, WeakOption
from liesel.tfp.jax import bijectors as jb
from liesel.tfp.jax import distributions as jd
from liesel.tfp.numpy import bijectors as nb
from liesel.tfp.numpy import distributions as nd

from .goose import make_log_prob_fn
from .types import (

    from .model import Model

def _input_args(inputs: NodeInputs, num: int | None = None) -> str:
    items = inputs.items()
    args = [f"{node:s}" for key, node in items if isinstance(key, int)]
    kwargs = [f"{key}={node:s}" for key, node in items if isinstance(key, str)]
    return _join_args([_join_args(args, num), _join_args(kwargs, num)])

def _join_args(args: Iterable[str], num: int | None = None) -> str:
    args = [arg for arg in args if arg != ""]

    if num is not None and len(args) > num:
        args = args[0:num] + ["..."]

    return ", ".join(args)

def _num_arg(x: Any, key: str | None = None) -> str:
    if key is not None:
        key = f"{key}="
        key = ""

    arg = re.sub(r"\((?s:.*)\)", "(...)", repr(x))

    return f"{key}{arg}"

def _opt_arg(x: Any, key: str | None = None) -> str:
    if x is None:
        return ""

    if key is not None:
        key = f"{key}="
        key = ""

    return f"{key}{repr(x)}"

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Node components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[docs]class NodeInputs(tuple): """The inputs of a node component as a tuple with optional names.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): tup = args + tuple(kwargs.values()) return super().__new__(cls, tup) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._dict = dict(enumerate(args)) self._dict.update(kwargs) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return super().__getitem__(key) if isinstance(key, str): return self._dict[key] raise TypeError(f"Indices of {repr(self)} must be integers, slices or strings") def __getnewargs__(self): return self def __repr__(self): cls = type(self).__name__ args = _input_args(self, 1) return f"{cls}({args})"
[docs] def dict(self): """Returns the node inputs as a dictionary.""" return self._dict.copy()
[docs] def keys(self): """Returns the keys of the node inputs dictionary.""" return self.dict().keys()
[docs] def values(self): """Returns the values of the node inputs dictionary.""" return self.dict().values()
[docs] def items(self): """Returns the items of the node inputs dictionary.""" return self.dict().items()
[docs] def replace(self, old, new): """ Returns a shallow copy of the node inputs with the ``new`` node instead of the ``old`` one. """ def fn(node): return new if node is old else node args = [fn(node) for key, node in self.items() if isinstance(key, int)] kwargs = {key: fn(node) for key, node in self.items() if isinstance(key, str)} return NodeInputs(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class NodeComponent(ABC): """ An abstract node component with inputs and a NumPy module. Superclass of the :class:`.NodeDistribution` and the :class:`.NodeCalculator`. """ def __init__(self, *args: Node, **kwargs: Node) -> None: self._inputs = NodeInputs(*args, **kwargs) self._jaxified = False @property def inputs(self) -> NodeInputs: """The inputs of the node component.""" return self._inputs @property def jaxified(self) -> bool: """Whether JAX NumPy is enabled for the node component.""" return self._jaxified @jaxified.setter def jaxified(self, jaxified: bool) -> None: if jaxified: self.jaxify() else: self.unjaxify()
[docs] def jaxify(self) -> NodeComponent: """Enables JAX NumPy for the node component.""" self._jaxified = True return self
@property def _np(self) -> ModuleType: if self.jaxified: return jnp return np
[docs] def unjaxify(self) -> NodeComponent: """Disables JAX NumPy for the node component.""" self._jaxified = False return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: cls = type(self).__name__ args = _input_args(self.inputs, 1) return f"{cls}({args})"
[docs]class NodeCalculator(NodeComponent): """ An abstract value calculator of a node. Computes the value of a node from its inputs. Superclass of the :class:`.AdditionCalculator`, the :class:`.BijectorCalculator`, etc. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def value(self) -> Array: """Calculates the value of a node from its inputs and returns it."""
[docs]class NodeDistribution(NodeComponent): """ A probability distribution of a node. Computes the log-probability of a node from its inputs. Implemented as a thin wrapper around a TFP distribution. Parameters ---------- distribution The name of a TFP distribution as a string, or alternatively, a user-defined TFP-compatible distribution class. If a class is provided instead of a string, the user needs to make sure it uses the right NumPy implementation. bijector The name of a TFP bijector as a string, or alternatively, a user-defined TFP-compatible bijector class. If a class is provided instead of a string, the user needs to make sure it uses the right NumPy implementation. Defaults to None. inputs The inputs of the distribution. The keywords must match the arguments of the TFP distribution. """ def __init__( self, distribution: str | TFPDistributionClass, bijector: str | TFPBijectorClass | None = None, **inputs: Node, ) -> None: super().__init__(**inputs) self._distribution = distribution self._bijector = bijector
[docs] def distribution(self) -> TFPDistribution: """The TFP distribution initialized with the values of the inputs.""" distribution_module = jd if self.jaxified else nd if isinstance(self._distribution, str): distribution_cls = getattr(distribution_module, self._distribution) else: distribution_cls = self._distribution kwargs = {kw: node.value for kw, node in self.inputs.items()} distribution = distribution_cls(**kwargs) if self._bijector is not None: bijector_module = jb if self.jaxified else nb if isinstance(self._bijector, str): bijector_cls = getattr(bijector_module, self._bijector) else: bijector_cls = self._bijector transformed_cls = distribution_module.TransformedDistribution distribution = transformed_cls(distribution, bijector_cls()) return distribution
[docs] def transform(self, bijector: str | TFPBijectorClass) -> NodeDistribution: """Transforms the distribution with a TFP bijector.""" if self._bijector is not None: msg = f"Cannot transform {repr(self)}, as it is already transformed" raise RuntimeError(msg) inputs = self.inputs.dict() return NodeDistribution(self._distribution, bijector, **inputs)
[docs] def cdf(self, value: Array, **kwargs) -> Array: """ The cumulative distribution function of the distribution. The arguments are passed on to the TFP distribution. """ return self.distribution().cdf(value, **kwargs)
[docs] def log_prob(self, value: Array, **kwargs) -> Array: """ The log-probability (density) function of the distribution. The arguments are passed on to the TFP distribution. """ log_probs = self.distribution().log_prob(value, **kwargs) return self._np.sum(log_probs)
[docs] def mean(self, **kwargs) -> Array: """ The mean function of the distribution. The arguments are passed on to the TFP distribution. """ return self.distribution().mean(**kwargs)
[docs] def sample(self, sample_shape=(), seed=None, **kwargs) -> Array: """ The sampling function of the distribution. The arguments are passed on to the TFP distribution. """ return self.distribution().sample(sample_shape, seed, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self) -> str: cls = type(self).__name__ distribution = repr(self._distribution) bijector = _opt_arg(self._bijector) inputs = _input_args(self.inputs) args = _join_args([distribution, bijector, inputs]) return f"{cls}({args})"
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Node ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GradientFunction = Callable[[Position, ModelState], Position] TNodeCalculator = TypeVar("TNodeCalculator", bound=NodeCalculator)
[docs]class Node(Generic[TNodeCalculator]): """ A node which can be used to build probabilistic graphical models. The node can be strong or weak, with or without a probability distribution. """ outdated: bool = True """ Whether the node is outdated. A node is outdated if its value or the value of one of its inputs has changed. The value and the log-probability of an outdated node need to be recomputed. """ outputs: set[Node] = set() """An output of a node A is a node B which depends on the value of A.""" @overload def __init__( self: Node[NodeCalculator], value: Array, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: ... @overload def __init__( self: Node[TNodeCalculator], value: TNodeCalculator, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: ... def __init__( self, value: Array | TNodeCalculator, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: if isinstance(value, NodeCalculator): calculator = cast(TNodeCalculator, value) value = 0.0 else: calculator = None self._calculator: Option[TNodeCalculator] = Option(calculator) self._distribution: Option[NodeDistribution] = Option(distribution) self._grad_fn: Option[GradientFunction] = Option(None) self._jaxified: bool = False self._log_prob: Array = 0.0 self._model: WeakOption[Model] = WeakOption(None) self._name: Option[str] = Option(name) self.outdated: bool = True self.outputs: set[Node] = set() self._value: Array = value for input in self.inputs: input.outputs.add(self) self.update() @property def calculator(self) -> TNodeCalculator: """The calculator of the node.""" return self._calculator.expect(f"{repr(self)} does not have a calculator") @property def distribution(self) -> NodeDistribution: """The distribution of the node.""" return self._distribution.expect(f"{repr(self)} does not have a distribution")
[docs] def grad(self) -> Array: """ Returns the gradient of the model log-probability w.r.t. the node value. This method is **unlikely to be efficient**. Consider using JAX explicitly to JIT-compile more complex functions. Alternatively, you can use Goose. """ if self._grad_fn.is_none(): self._grad_fn = Option(jax.jit(jax.grad(make_log_prob_fn(self.model)))) grad_fn = self._grad_fn.unwrap() position = Position({ self.value}) model_state = self.model.state grad_dict = grad_fn(position, model_state) grad_array = self._np.asarray(grad_dict[]) return grad_array
@property def has_calculator(self) -> bool: """Whether the node has a calculator.""" return self._calculator.is_some() @property def has_distribution(self) -> bool: """Whether the node has a distribution.""" return self._distribution.is_some() @property def has_model(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is part of a model.""" return self._model.is_some() @property def has_name(self) -> bool: """Whether the node has a name.""" return self._name.is_some()
[docs] def input_value_changed(self) -> Node: """ Informs the node that the value of one of its inputs has changed. Flags the node as outdated, and if the node is weak, also flags its outputs as outdated. """ self.outdated = True if self.weak: self.own_value_changed() return self
@property def inputs(self) -> set[Node]: """All inputs of the node as a set.""" inputs: set[Node] = set() x: inputs.update(x.inputs)) x: inputs.update(x.inputs)) return inputs @property def jaxified(self) -> bool: """Whether JAX NumPy is enabled for the node.""" return self._jaxified @jaxified.setter def jaxified(self, jaxified: bool) -> None: if jaxified: self.jaxify() else: self.unjaxify()
[docs] def jaxify(self) -> Node: """Enables JAX NumPy for the node.""" self._value = jnp.asarray(self.value) self._log_prob = jnp.asarray(self.log_prob) x: x.jaxify()) x: x.jaxify()) self._jaxified = True return self
@property def log_prob(self) -> Array: """The log-probability of the node.""" return self._log_prob @property def model(self) -> Model: """The model the node is part of.""" return self._model.expect(f"{repr(self)} is not part of a model") @model.setter def model(self, model: Model) -> None: if self.has_model: raise RuntimeError(f"{repr(self)} is already part of a model") self._grad_fn = Option(None) self._model = WeakOption(model) @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the node.""" return self._name.expect(f"{repr(self)} does not have a name") @name.setter def name(self, name: str) -> None: if self.has_model: msg = f"Cannot change the name of {repr(self)}, as it is part of a model" raise RuntimeError(msg) self._name = Option(name) @property def _np(self) -> ModuleType: if self.jaxified: return jnp return np
[docs] def own_value_changed(self) -> Node: """ Informs the node that its value has changed. Flags the node and its outputs as outdated. """ self.outdated = True for node in self.outputs: node.input_value_changed() return self
[docs] def set_value(self, value: Array, update: bool = True) -> Node: """ Sets the value of the node. Flags the node and its outputs as outdated, and if requested, updates the model. """ if self.weak: msg = f"Cannot set the value of {repr(self)}, as it is a weak node" raise RuntimeError(msg) self._value = value self.own_value_changed() if update: x: x.update()) return self
@property def state(self) -> NodeState: """The value and the log-probability as a `NodeState`.""" return NodeState(self.value, self.log_prob) @state.setter def state(self, state: NodeState) -> None: self._value, self._log_prob = state @property def strong(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is strong.""" return self._calculator.is_none()
[docs] def unjaxify(self) -> Node: """Disables JAX NumPy for the node.""" self._value = np.asarray(self.value) self._log_prob = np.asarray(self.log_prob) x: x.unjaxify()) x: x.unjaxify()) self._jaxified = False return self
[docs] def update(self) -> Node: """ Updates the value and the log-probability of the node. Assumes that the inputs of the node are up-to-date. """ if self.weak: self._value = self.calculator.value() if self.has_distribution: self._log_prob = self.distribution.log_prob(self.value) self.outdated = False return self
[docs] def validate(self) -> Node: """Checks if the value and the log-probability of the node are finite.""" assert self._np.all(self._np.isfinite(self.value)) assert self._np.all(self._np.isfinite(self.log_prob)) return self
@property def value(self) -> Array: """The value of the node.""" return self._value @value.setter def value(self, value: Array) -> None: self.set_value(value, update=True) @property def weak(self) -> bool: """Whether the node is weak.""" return self._calculator.is_some() def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_grad_fn"] = Option(None) state["_model"] = WeakOption(None) return state def __format__(self, format_spec: str) -> str: if format_spec == "s": return self.__short_repr__() return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self) -> str: cls = type(self).__name__ value = _num_arg(self.value) calculator = _opt_arg(self._calculator.value) distribution = _opt_arg(self._distribution.value) name = _opt_arg(self._name.value, "name") first_arg = value if self.strong else calculator args = _join_args([first_arg, distribution, name]) if cls != "Node": return f"{cls}(Node({args}))" return f"Node({args})" def __short_repr__(self) -> str: cls = type(self).__name__ if self.has_name: return f"{cls}(..., name={repr(})" return f"{cls}(...)"
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Node group ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class NodeGroup(dict): def __init__(self, name: str | None = None, **nodes: Node) -> None: super().__init__(**nodes) self._name = Option(name)
[docs] def copy(self) -> NodeGroup: """Returns a shallow copy of the node group.""" return NodeGroup(self._name.value, **self)
@property def has_name(self) -> bool: """Whether the node group has a name.""" return self._name.is_some() @property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the node group.""" return self._name.expect(f"{repr(self)} does not have a name") @name.setter def name(self, name: str) -> None: self._name = Option(name) def __repr__(self) -> str: cls = type(self).__name__ name = _opt_arg(self._name.value) nodes = [f"{key}={node:s}" for key, node in self.items()] args = _join_args([name, *nodes], 3) return f"{cls}({args})"
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Strong nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class DesignMatrix(Node): """A strong node representing a design matrix."""
[docs]class Hyperparameter(Node): """A strong node representing a hyperparameter."""
[docs]class Response(Node): """A strong node representing a response vector or matrix."""
[docs]class Parameter(Node): """A strong node representing a model parameter.""" def __init__( self, value: Array, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(value, distribution, name)
[docs] def initialize_with_mean(self) -> Parameter: """Initializes the value of the parameter with its prior mean.""" def safe_mean() -> Array: assert self.has_distribution mean = self._np.squeeze(self.distribution.mean()) mean = self._np.broadcast_to(mean, self._np.shape(self.value)) assert self._np.all(self._np.isfinite(mean)) return mean try: self.value = safe_mean() except (AssertionError, NotImplementedError): pass return self
[docs]class RegressionCoef(Parameter): """A parameter node representing a vector of regression coefficients."""
[docs]class SmoothingParam(Parameter): """A parameter node representing a smoothing parameter."""
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Weak addition nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class AdditionCalculator(NodeCalculator): """ Calculates the element-wise sum of its inputs. Must have one or more inputs. """ def __init__(self, *inputs: Node) -> None: super().__init__(*inputs) if len(self.inputs) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"{repr(self)} must have one or more inputs")
[docs] def value(self) -> Array: xs = [node.value for node in self.inputs] return reduce(self._np.add, xs)
[docs]class Addition(Node[AdditionCalculator]): """A weak node with an `AdditionCalculator`.""" def __init__( self, *inputs: Node, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: calculator = AdditionCalculator(*inputs) super().__init__(calculator, distribution, name)
[docs]class Predictor(Addition): """An addition node representing a regression predictor."""
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Weak bijector nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class BijectorCalculator(NodeCalculator): """ Evaluates the ``forward`` or the ``inverse`` method of a TFP bijector at its input. """ def __init__( self, bijector: str | TFPBijectorClass, input: Node, inverse: bool = False ) -> None: super().__init__(input) self._bijector = bijector self._inverse = inverse @property def bijector(self) -> TFPBijector: module = jb if self.jaxified else nb if isinstance(self._bijector, str): cls = getattr(module, self._bijector) else: cls = self._bijector return cls()
[docs] def value(self) -> Array: x = self.inputs[0].value if self._inverse: return self.bijector.inverse(x) return self.bijector.forward(x)
[docs]class Bijector(Node[BijectorCalculator]): """A weak node with a :class:`.BijectorCalculator`.""" def __init__( self, bijector: str | TFPBijectorClass, input: Node, inverse: bool = False, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: calculator = BijectorCalculator(bijector, input, inverse) super().__init__(calculator, distribution, name)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Weak column-stack node ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class ColumnStackCalculator(NodeCalculator): """ Stacks its inputs column-wise. Must have one or more inputs. """ def __init__(self, *inputs: Node) -> None: super().__init__(*inputs) if len(self.inputs) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"{repr(self)} must have one or more inputs")
[docs] def value(self) -> Array: xs = [node.value for node in self.inputs] return self._np.column_stack(xs)
[docs]class ColumnStack(Node[ColumnStackCalculator]): """A weak node with a :class:`.ColumnStackCalculator`.""" def __init__( self, *inputs: Node, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: calculator = ColumnStackCalculator(*inputs) super().__init__(calculator, distribution, name)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Weak PIT node ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class PITCalculator(NodeCalculator): """Calculates the probability integral transform of its input.""" def __init__(self, input, **kwargs): super().__init__(_pit_main_input=input, **kwargs)
[docs] def value(self) -> Array: input = self.inputs["_pit_main_input"] return input.distribution.cdf(input.value)
[docs]class PIT(Node[PITCalculator]): """A weak node with a `PITCalculator`.""" def __init__( self, input: Node, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: kwargs = input.distribution.inputs.dict() calculator = PITCalculator(input, **kwargs) super().__init__(calculator, distribution, name)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Weak smooth node ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]class SmoothCalculator(NodeCalculator): """ Calculates a smooth ``x @ beta``. A smooth is the matrix-vector product of a design matrix ``x`` and a vector of regression coefficients ``beta``. """ def __init__(self, x, beta): super().__init__(x=x, beta=beta)
[docs] def value(self) -> Array: x = self.inputs["x"].value beta = self.inputs["beta"].value return self._np.matmul(x, beta)
[docs]class Smooth(Node[SmoothCalculator]): """A weak node with a :class:`.SmoothCalculator`.""" def __init__( self, x: Node, beta: Node, distribution: NodeDistribution | None = None, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: calculator = SmoothCalculator(x=x, beta=beta) super().__init__(calculator, distribution, name)
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Parameter transformation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs]def transform_parameter(node: Node, bijector: str | TFPBijectorClass) -> NodeGroup: """ Transforms a parameter and its distribution with a TFP bijector. Returns a node group of the transformed and the original parameter. Parameters ---------- node Node to be transformed. bijector A bijector class (or a name of a bijector class) from tensorflow probability. """ if node.has_name: group_name = f"{}_transformation" transformed_name = f"{}_transformed" original_name = else: group_name = "transformation" transformed_name = "transformed" original_name = "original" if isinstance(bijector, str): _bijector = getattr(nb, bijector) else: _bijector = bijector value = _bijector().forward(node.value) distribution = node.distribution.transform(bijector) transformed = Parameter(value, distribution, transformed_name) original = Bijector(bijector, transformed, inverse=True, name=original_name) transformed.jaxified = node.jaxified original.jaxified = node.jaxified return NodeGroup(group_name, transformed=transformed, original=original)