Source code for liesel.liesel.distreg

Distributional regression.

from __future__ import annotations

import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.random
import numpy as np

from liesel.goose import EngineBuilder, GibbsKernel, IWLSKernel
from liesel.option import Option

from .goose import GooseModel
from .model import Model, ModelBuilder
from .nodes import (
from .types import Array, TFPBijectorClass, TFPDistributionClass

matrix_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank

[docs]class SmoothGroup(NodeGroup): """A node group representing a smooth."""
[docs]class PSmoothGroup(SmoothGroup): """A node group representing a parametric smooth."""
[docs]class NPSmoothGroup(SmoothGroup): """A node group representing a non-parametric smooth."""
[docs]class DistRegBuilder(ModelBuilder): """A model builder for distributional regression models.""" _howto = "Smooths need to be added first, then the predictors, then the response" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._smooths: dict[str, list[Node]] = {} self._distributional_parameters: dict[str, Node] = {} self._response: Option[Node] = Option(None) @property def response(self) -> Node: """The response node.""" return self._response.expect(f"No response in {repr(self)}") def _smooth_name(self, name: str | None, predictor: str, prefix: str) -> str: """Generates a name for a smooth if the ``name`` argument is ``None``.""" other_smooths = self._smooths[predictor] other_names = [ for node in other_smooths if node.has_name] prefix = predictor + "_" + prefix counter = 0 while prefix + str(counter) in other_names: counter += 1 if not name: name = prefix + str(counter) if name in other_names: raise RuntimeError( f"Smooth {repr(name)} already exists in {repr(self)} " f"for predictor {repr(predictor)}" ) return name
[docs] def add_p_smooth( self, X: Array, m: float, s: float, predictor: str, name: str | None = None, ) -> PSmoothGroup: """ Adds a parametric smooth to the model builder. Parameters ---------- X The design matrix. m The mean of the Gaussian prior. s The standard deviation of the Gaussian prior. predictor The name of the predictor to add the smooth to. name The name of the smooth. """ try: self._smooths[predictor] except KeyError: self._smooths[predictor] = [] name = self._smooth_name(name, predictor, "p") X_node = DesignMatrix(X, name=name + "_X") m_node = Hyperparameter(m, name=name + "_m") s_node = Hyperparameter(s, name=name + "_s") beta = np.zeros(np.shape(X)[-1], np.float32) beta_distribution = NodeDistribution("Normal", loc=m_node, scale=s_node) beta_node = RegressionCoef(beta, beta_distribution, name + "_beta") smooth_node = Smooth(X_node, beta_node, name=name) self._smooths[predictor].append(smooth_node) group = PSmoothGroup( smooth=smooth_node, beta=beta_node, X=X_node, m=m_node, s=s_node, ) = name self.add_groups(group) return group
[docs] def add_np_smooth( self, X: Array, K: Array, a: float, b: float, predictor: str, name: str | None = None, ) -> NPSmoothGroup: """ Adds a non-parametric smooth to the model builder. Parameters ---------- X The design matrix. K The penalty matrix. a The a, :math:`\\alpha` or concentration parameter of the inverse gamma prior. b The b, :math:`\\beta` or scale parameter of the inverse gamma prior. predictor The name of the predictor to add the smooth to. name The name of the smooth. """ try: self._smooths[predictor] except KeyError: self._smooths[predictor] = [] name = self._smooth_name(name, predictor, "np") X_node = DesignMatrix(X, name=name + "_X") K_node = Hyperparameter(K, name=name + "_K") a_node = Hyperparameter(a, name=name + "_a") b_node = Hyperparameter(b, name=name + "_b") rank_node = Hyperparameter(matrix_rank(K), name=name + "_rank") tau2_parameters = {"concentration": a_node, "scale": b_node} tau2_distribution = NodeDistribution("InverseGamma", **tau2_parameters) tau2_node = SmoothingParam(10000.0, tau2_distribution, name + "_tau2") beta = np.zeros(np.shape(X)[-1], np.float32) beta_parameters = {"tau2": tau2_node, "K": K_node, "rank": rank_node} beta_distribution = NodeDistribution("SmoothPrior", **beta_parameters) beta_node = RegressionCoef(beta, beta_distribution, name + "_beta") smooth_node = Smooth(X_node, beta_node, name=name) self._smooths[predictor].append(smooth_node) group = NPSmoothGroup( smooth=smooth_node, beta=beta_node, tau2=tau2_node, rank=rank_node, X=X_node, K=K_node, a=a_node, b=b_node, ) = name self.add_groups(group) return group
[docs] def add_predictor( self, name: str, inverse_link: str | TFPBijectorClass ) -> DistRegBuilder: """ Adds a predictor to the model builder. Parameters ---------- name The name of the parameter of the response distribution. Must match the name of the parameter of the TFP distribution. inverse_link The inverse link mapping the regression predictor to the parameter of the response distribution. Either a string identifying a TFP bijector, or alternatively, a TFP-compatible bijector class. If a class is provided instead of a string, the user needs to make sure it uses the right NumPy implementation. """ if name not in self._smooths or not self._smooths[name]: msg = f"No smooths in {repr(self)} for predictor {repr(name)}. " raise RuntimeError(msg + self._howto) smooth_nodes = self._smooths[name] predictor_node = Predictor(name=name + "_pdt", *smooth_nodes) parameter_node = InverseLink(inverse_link, predictor_node, name=name) self._distributional_parameters[name] = parameter_node self.add_nodes(predictor_node, parameter_node) return self
[docs] def add_response( self, response: Array, distribution: str | TFPDistributionClass ) -> DistRegBuilder: """ Adds the response to the model builder. Parameters ---------- response The response vector or matrix. distribution The conditional distribution of the response variable. Either a string identifying a TFP distribution, or alternatively, a TFP-compatible distribution class. If a class is provided instead of a string, the user needs to make sure it uses the right NumPy implementation. """ if not self._distributional_parameters: raise RuntimeError(f"No predictors in {repr(self)}. {self._howto}") response_distribution = NodeDistribution( distribution, **self._distributional_parameters ) response_node = Response(response, response_distribution, "response") self._response = Option(response_node) self.add_nodes(response_node) return self
[docs]class CopRegBuilder(DistRegBuilder): """ A model builder for copula regression models. Remember to add a predictor for the dependence parameter before adding the copula and building the model. Parameters ---------- model0 The first marginal distributional regression model **builder**. model1 The second marginal distributional regression model **builder**. """ def __init__(self, model0: DistRegBuilder, model1: DistRegBuilder) -> None: super().__init__() arg0_is_mb = isinstance(model0, DistRegBuilder) arg1_is_mb = isinstance(model1, DistRegBuilder) if not arg0_is_mb or not arg1_is_mb: raise RuntimeError(f"Arguments of {repr(self)} must be model builders") self.groups = model0.groups + model1.groups self.nodes = model0.nodes + model1.nodes self._model0 = self._update_names(model0, "m0_") self._model1 = self._update_names(model1, "m1_") @staticmethod def _update_names(model: DistRegBuilder, prefix: str) -> DistRegBuilder: for node in model.all_nodes(): = prefix + for group in model.groups: = prefix + return model
[docs] def add_copula(self, copula: str | TFPDistributionClass) -> CopRegBuilder: """ Adds a copula. Parameters ---------- copula The copula of the response variables. Either a string identifying a TFP distribution, or alternatively, a TFP-compatible distribution class. If a class is provided instead of a string, the user needs to make sure it uses the right NumPy implementation. """ pit0_node = PIT(self._model0.response, name="m0_pit") pit1_node = PIT(self._model1.response, name="m1_pit") copula_node = ColumnStack( pit0_node, pit1_node, distribution=NodeDistribution(copula, **self._distributional_parameters), name="copula", ) self._response = Option(copula_node) self.add_nodes(pit0_node, pit1_node, copula_node) return self
[docs]def tau2_gibbs_kernel(group: NPSmoothGroup) -> GibbsKernel: """Builds a Gibbs kernel for a smoothing parameter with an inverse gamma prior.""" position_key = group["tau2"].name def transition(prng_key, model_state): a_prior = model_state[group["a"].name].value rank = model_state[group["rank"].name].value a_gibbs = jnp.squeeze(a_prior + 0.5 * rank) b_prior = model_state[group["b"].name].value beta = model_state[group["beta"].name].value K = model_state[group["K"].name].value b_gibbs = jnp.squeeze(b_prior + 0.5 * (beta @ K @ beta)) draw = b_gibbs / jax.random.gamma(prng_key, a_gibbs) return {position_key: draw} return GibbsKernel([position_key], transition)
[docs]def dist_reg_mcmc(model: Model, seed: int, num_chains: int) -> EngineBuilder: """ Configures an :class:`.EngineBuilder` for a distributional regression model. The EngineBuilder uses a Metropolis-in-Gibbs MCMC algorithm with an :class:`.IWLSKernel` for the regression coefficients and a :class:`.GibbsKernel` for the smoothing parameters for a distributional regression model. Parameters ---------- model A model built with a :class:`.DistRegBuilder`. seed The PRNG seed for the engine builder. num_chains The number of chains to be sampled. """ builder = EngineBuilder(seed, num_chains) builder.set_model(GooseModel(model)) builder.set_initial_values(model.state) for group in model.groups.values(): if not isinstance(group, SmoothGroup): next if isinstance(group, NPSmoothGroup): tau2_kernel = tau2_gibbs_kernel(group) builder.add_kernel(tau2_kernel) position_key = group["beta"].name beta_kernel = IWLSKernel([position_key]) builder.add_kernel(beta_kernel) return builder