Source code for liesel.goose.summary_m

Posterior statistics and diagnostics.

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, NamedTuple

import arviz as az
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jaxlib.xla_extension
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

from liesel.goose.engine import ErrorLog, SamplingResults
from liesel.goose.pytree import slice_leaves, stack_leaves
from liesel.goose.types import Position
from liesel.option import Option

__docformat__ = "numpy"

[docs]def raise_chain_indices_error( chain_indices: Sequence[int], num_original_chains: int ) -> None: """Display informative error message with valid ``chain_indices`` inputs.""" if any( chain_index not in range(num_original_chains) for chain_index in chain_indices ): raise ValueError( f"All chain indices must be between 0 and {num_original_chains-1} " "(bounds inclusive)." )
[docs]def validate_chain_indices( chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, num_original_chains: int, ) -> Sequence[int]: """ Convert ``int`` or ``None`` input of ``chain_indices`` to sequence of integers. """ if chain_indices is None: return list(range(num_original_chains)) if isinstance(chain_indices, int): chain_indices = [chain_indices] raise_chain_indices_error(chain_indices, num_original_chains) return chain_indices
[docs]def numpy_to_arviz(subparam_chains: np.ndarray) -> xarray.DataArray: """Convert data structure of ``arviz`` package to numpy array.""" arviz_data = az.convert_to_inference_data(subparam_chains) return arviz_data["posterior"]["x"]
[docs]def add_rhat(arviz_array: xarray.DataArray, round_digits: int) -> np.ndarray: """Compute a single Rhat value for multiple chains of the same subparameter.""" return np.round(az.rhat(arviz_array)["x"].values, decimals=round_digits)
[docs]def combine_chains(subparam_chains: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, xarray.DataArray]: """Concatenate all separate chains to a single chain for multi-chain sampling.""" subparam_chains = subparam_chains.reshape(1, -1) arviz_array = numpy_to_arviz(subparam_chains) return subparam_chains, arviz_array
[docs]def add_num_effective(arviz_array: xarray.DataArray, round_digits: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the effective sample size of one specific subparameter (e.g. ``beta_0``). """ return np.array( [az.ess(arviz_array[[i]])["x"].values for i in range(arviz_array.shape[0])] ).round(decimals=round_digits)
[docs]def compute_quantiles( subparam_chains: np.ndarray, quantiles: Sequence[float], round_digits: int ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute posterior quantiles of one specific subparameter (e.g. ``beta_0``). """ # i'th row contains i'th input quantile for all chains # j'th column contains all input quantiles for j'th chain return np.quantile(subparam_chains, q=quantiles, axis=1).round(round_digits)
[docs]def add_quantiles( subparam_chains: np.ndarray, subparam_stats: dict[str, int | float | np.ndarray], quantiles: Sequence[float], round_digits: int, ) -> dict[str, int | float | np.ndarray]: """ Add posterior quantiles to dictionary which collects all summary statistics and diagnostics for one specific subparameter (e.g. ``beta_0``). """ # number of rows equals length of quantiles input quantiles_array = compute_quantiles(subparam_chains, quantiles, round_digits) for ind, q in enumerate(quantiles): subparam_stats[f"q_{100 * q:.5g}"] = quantiles_array[ind] return subparam_stats
[docs]def compute_single_hdi( arviz_subarray: xarray.DataArray, hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int ) -> np.ndarray: """Compute Highest-Density Interval for a single chain.""" # compute separate hdi for each chain to stay consistent with credible intervals # from `add_quantile()` return np.round( az.hdi(arviz_subarray, hdi_prob=hdi_prob)["x"].values, decimals=round_digits )
[docs]def compute_hdi( arviz_array: xarray.DataArray, hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Compute Highest-Density Intervals for all chains. Returns two numpy arrays of lower and upper bounds of Highest-Density Intervals. """ # numpy array where i'th row contains lower and upper hdi bound of i'th chain hdi = np.vstack( [ # subset with list to keep first dimension, arviz needs 2d arrays compute_single_hdi(arviz_array[[i]], hdi_prob, round_digits) for i in range(arviz_array.shape[0]) ] ) return hdi[:, 0], hdi[:, 1]
[docs]def add_hdi( arviz_array: xarray.DataArray, subparam_stats: dict[str, int | float | np.ndarray], hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int, ) -> dict[str, int | float | np.ndarray]: """ Add Highest Density Intervals to dictionary which collects all summary statistics and diagnostics for one specific subparameter (e.g. ``beta_0``). """ hdi_lower, hdi_upper = compute_hdi(arviz_array, hdi_prob, round_digits) subparam_stats[f"hdi_{100 * hdi_prob:.5g}_low"] = hdi_lower subparam_stats[f"hdi_{100 * hdi_prob:.5g}_high"] = hdi_upper return subparam_stats
[docs]def subparam_stats_to_df( subparam_stats: dict[str, int | float | np.ndarray], per_chain: bool ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Convert dictionary which collects all summary statistics and diagnostics for one specific subparameter (e.g. ``beta_0``) to a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ if not per_chain: # Must be dropped BEFORE conversion to data frame due to unequal lengths del subparam_stats["chain_index"] return pd.DataFrame(subparam_stats).drop(columns="num_chains")
[docs]def get_subparam_stats( subparam_chains: np.ndarray, per_chain: bool, chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int, param_index: int, as_dataframe: bool, ) -> dict[str, int | float | np.ndarray] | pd.DataFrame: """ Collect all summary statistics and diagnostics for one specific subparameter (e.g. ``beta_0``) into one dictionary or :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ num_original_chains = subparam_chains.shape[0] chain_indices = validate_chain_indices(chain_indices, num_original_chains) subparam_chains = subparam_chains[chain_indices] num_filtered_chains = subparam_chains.shape[0] num_samples: int | list[int] = [subparam_chains.shape[1]] * num_filtered_chains arviz_array = numpy_to_arviz(subparam_chains) rhat = add_rhat(arviz_array, round_digits) if not per_chain: subparam_chains, arviz_array = combine_chains(subparam_chains) num_samples = sum(num_samples) # type: ignore num_effective = add_num_effective(arviz_array, round_digits) posterior_means = subparam_chains.mean(axis=1).round(round_digits) posterior_sds = subparam_chains.std(axis=1).round(round_digits) subparam_stats = { "param_index": param_index, "num_chains": num_filtered_chains, "chain_index": chain_indices, "num_samples": num_samples, "num_effective": num_effective, "mean": posterior_means, "sd": posterior_sds, "rhat": rhat, } subparam_stats = add_quantiles( subparam_chains, subparam_stats, quantiles, round_digits ) subparam_stats = add_hdi(arviz_array, subparam_stats, hdi_prob, round_digits) if not as_dataframe: return subparam_stats return subparam_stats_to_df(subparam_stats, per_chain)
[docs]def raise_dimension_error(param: str, num_dim: int) -> None: """Check for correct array dimensions of posterior samples.""" if num_dim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError( f"Array of posterior samples for {param} has the wrong number of" f"dimensions.\nExpected 2 or 3, got {num_dim}." )
[docs]def adjust_dimensions(param_chains: np.ndarray, num_dim: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Make shape of posterior samples for one dimensional parameters (e.g. ``log_sigma``) consistent with multi-dimensional parameters. """ if num_dim == 2: param_chains = np.expand_dims(param_chains, axis=-1) return param_chains
[docs]def raise_param_indices_error( param_indices: Sequence[int], num_original_subparams: int, param: str ) -> None: """ Display informative error message with valid ``param_indices`` inputs for this specific ``param``. """ if any( param_index not in range(num_original_subparams) for param_index in param_indices ): raise ValueError( f"All param indices for {param} must be between " f"0 and {num_original_subparams-1} (bounds inclusive)." )
[docs]def validate_param_indices( param_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, num_original_subparams: int, param: str ) -> Sequence[int]: """ Convert ``int`` or ``None`` input of ``param_indices`` to sequence of integers. """ if param_indices is None: return list(range(num_original_subparams)) if isinstance(param_indices, int): param_indices = [param_indices] raise_param_indices_error(param_indices, num_original_subparams, param) return param_indices
[docs]def collect_subparam_dicts( param_chains: np.ndarray, per_chain: bool, param_indices: Sequence[int], chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int, ) -> list[dict]: """ Combine dictionaries with summary statistics and diagnostics within one parameter vector (e.g. ``beta_0`` and ``beta_1``) into a list. """ return [ get_subparam_stats( param_chains[..., i], per_chain, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, param_index=i, as_dataframe=False, ) for i in param_indices ]
[docs]def move_col_first(df: pd.DataFrame, colname: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Move last column of a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` to the first column.""" return df[[colname] + [col for col in df.columns if col != colname]]
[docs]def collect_subparam_dfs( param_chains: np.ndarray, per_chain: bool, param_indices: Sequence[int], chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Combine data frames with summary statistics and diagnostics within one parameter vector (e.g. ``beta_0`` and ``beta_1``) into a single :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ param_df = pd.concat( [ get_subparam_stats( param_chains[..., i], per_chain, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, param_index=i, as_dataframe=True, ) for i in param_indices ] ).reset_index(drop=True) return move_col_first(param_df, "param_index")
[docs]def get_param_stats( param: str, posterior_samples: dict[str, jnp.DeviceArray], per_chain: bool, param_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int, as_dataframe: bool, ) -> list[dict] | pd.DataFrame: """ Collect all summary statistics and diagnostics for one specific parameter vector (e.g. ``"beta"``) into one dictionary or :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ # arviz package requires numpy arrays instead of jax numpy arrays param_chains = np.array(posterior_samples[param]) num_dim = param_chains.ndim # check that each param_chain has either two (scalar) or three (vector) dimension raise_dimension_error(param, num_dim) # add last dimension if original parameter is a scalar instead of a vector param_chains = adjust_dimensions(param_chains, num_dim) num_original_subparams = param_chains.shape[-1] param_indices = validate_param_indices(param_indices, num_original_subparams, param) if not as_dataframe: return collect_subparam_dicts( param_chains, per_chain, param_indices, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, ) return collect_subparam_dfs( param_chains, per_chain, param_indices, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, )
[docs]def validate_params( posterior_samples: dict[str, jnp.DeviceArray], params: str | list[str] | None ) -> list[str]: """Convert ``str`` or ``None`` input of ``params`` to sequence of strings.""" posterior_keys = list(posterior_samples.keys()) if params is None: return posterior_keys if isinstance(params, str): params = [params] if any(param not in posterior_keys for param in params): raise KeyError(f"All params must be in {posterior_keys}.") return params
[docs]def collect_param_dicts( posterior_samples: dict[str, jnp.DeviceArray], per_chain: bool, params: list[str], param_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int, ) -> dict[str, list[dict]]: """ Combine dictionaries with summary statistics and diagnostics of all model parameters into a single dictionary. """ return { param: get_param_stats( param, posterior_samples, per_chain, param_indices, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, as_dataframe=False, ) for param in params }
[docs]def collect_param_dfs( posterior_samples: dict[str, jnp.DeviceArray], per_chain: bool, params: list[str], param_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float, round_digits: int, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Combine data frames with summary statistics and diagnostics of all model parameters into a single :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. """ param_dfs: list[pd.DataFrame] = [] for param in params: param_df: pd.DataFrame = get_param_stats( param, posterior_samples, per_chain, param_indices, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, as_dataframe=True, ) param_df = param_df.assign(param=param).set_index("param") = None param_dfs.append(param_df) return pd.concat(param_dfs)
[docs]def summary( results: SamplingResults, per_chain: bool = True, params: str | list[str] | None = None, param_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, chain_indices: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob: float = 0.9, round_digits: int = 3, as_dataframe: bool = True, ) -> dict[str, list[dict]] | pd.DataFrame: """ Compute summary statistics and diagnostic measures of posterior samples. Parameters ---------- results Result object of the sampling process. Must have a method ``get_posterior_samples()`` which extracts all samples from the posterior distribution. per_chain If ``True``, all statistics and diagnostics (except the Rhat value) are computed for each chain separately. If ``False``, one metric is computed for each subparameter after concatenating all chains. params Names of the model parameters that are contained in the summary output. Must coincide with the dictionary keys of the ``Position`` with the posterior samples. If ``None``, all parameters are included. param_indices Indices of each model parameter that are contained in the summary output. Selects e.g. ``beta_0`` out of a ``beta`` parameter vector.A single index can be specified as an integer or a sequence containing one integer. If ``None``, all subparameters are included. chain_indices Indices of chains for each model subparameter that are contained in the summary output. Selects e.g. chain 0 and chain 2 out of multiple chains. A single index can be specified as an integer or a sequence containing one integer. If ``None``, all chains are included. quantiles Quantiles of the posterior distribution that are contained in the summary output. hdi_prob Coverage level of the Highest Density Interval of the posterior distribution. Summary output contains lower and upper bound of this interval. round_digits Number of decimals for each float value within the summary output. as_dataframe If ``True``, all statistics and diagnostics are embedded into a ``pandas`` data frame. If ``False``, a dictionary with the same keys as ``Position`` with the posterior samples is returned. Returns ------- Dictionary if ``as_dataframe`` is False, :class:`.pandas.DataFrame` if ``as_dataframe`` is True. """ # NOTE: Docstring Duplications # The entries `results`, `params`, `param_indices` and `chain_indices` are shared # with all user plotting functions. posterior_samples = results.get_posterior_samples() params = validate_params(posterior_samples, params) if not as_dataframe: return collect_param_dicts( posterior_samples, per_chain, params, param_indices, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, ) return collect_param_dfs( posterior_samples, per_chain, params, param_indices, chain_indices, quantiles, hdi_prob, round_digits, )
[docs]class ErrorSummaryForOneCode(NamedTuple): error_code: int error_msg: str count_per_chain: np.ndarray count_per_chain_posterior: None
ErrorSummary = dict[str, dict[int, ErrorSummaryForOneCode]] """ See docstring of ``_make_error_summary``. """ def _make_error_summary( error_log: ErrorLog, posterior_error_log: Option[ErrorLog], ) -> ErrorSummary: """ Creates an error summary from the error log. The returned value looks like this:: { kernel_identifier: { error_code: (error_code, error_msg, count, count_in_posterior), error_code: (error_code, error_msg, count, count_in_posterior), ... }, ... } The ``error_msg`` is the empty string if the kernel class is not supplied in the ``error_log``. """ error_summary = {} for kel in error_log.values(): counter_dict: dict[int, np.ndarray] = {} # calculate the overall counts ec_unique = np.unique(kel.error_codes) for ec in ec_unique: if ec == 0: continue occurences_per_chain = np.sum(kel.error_codes == ec, axis=1) counter_dict[ec] = occurences_per_chain krnl_summary: dict[int, ErrorSummaryForOneCode] = {} for key, count in counter_dict.items(): ec = key # type ignore is ok since the type must implement the kernel protocol. error_msg = kel.kernel_cls.map_or( "", lambda krn_cls: krn_cls.error_book[ec] # type: ignore ) krnl_summary[ec] = ErrorSummaryForOneCode(ec, error_msg, count, None) # calculate the counts in the posterior if posterior_error_log.is_some(): posterior_error_log_unwrapped = posterior_error_log.unwrap() kel_post = posterior_error_log_unwrapped[kel.kernel_ident] for ec in ec_unique: if ec == 0: continue occurences_per_chain = np.sum(kel_post.error_codes == ec, axis=1) krnl_summary[ec] = krnl_summary[ec]._replace( count_per_chain_posterior=occurences_per_chain ) error_summary[kel.kernel_ident] = krnl_summary return error_summary
[docs]class Summary: """ A summary object. Allows easy programmatic access via ``quantities[quantity_name][var_name]``. The array has a similar shape as the parameter with ``var_name``. However, if ``per_chain`` is ``True``, and additionally for the quantities ``hdi`` and ``quantile``, the dimensions are different. Please refer to the documentation of the attribute :attr:`.quantities` for details. The summary object can be turned into a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` using :meth:`.to_dataframe`. Parameters ---------- results The sampling results to summarize. additional_chain can be supplied to add more parameters to the summary output. Must be a position chain which matches chain and time dimension of the posterior chain as returned by :meth:`.SamplingResults.get_posterior_samples`. hdi_prob Level on which to return posterior highest density intervals. selected, deselected Allow to get a summary only for a subset of the position keys. per_chain If *True*, the summary is calculated on a per-chain basis. Certain measures like ``rhat`` are not available if ``per_chain`` is *True*. Notes ----- This class is still considered experimental. The API may still undergo larger changes. """ per_chain: bool quantities: dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]] """ Dict of summarizing quantities. Built up in hierarchies as. Let ``summary`` be a :class:`.Summary` instance. The hierarchy is:: q = summary.quantities["quantity_name"]["parameter_name"] The extracted object is an ``np.ndarray``. If ``per_chain=True``, the arrays for the ``"quantile"`` and ``"hdi"`` quantities have the following dimensions: 1. First index refers to the chain 2. Second index refers to the quantile/interval 3. Third and subsequent indices refer to individual parameters. If ``per_chain=True``, the arrays for the other quantiles have the dimensions: 1. First index refers to the chain 2. Second and subsequent indices refer to individual parameters. If ``per_chain=False``, the first index is removed for all quantities. """ config: dict sample_info: dict error_summary: ErrorSummary kernels_by_pos_key: dict[str, str] def __init__( self, results: SamplingResults, additional_chain: Position | None = None, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob: float = 0.9, selected: list[str] | None = None, deselected: list[str] | None = None, per_chain: bool = False, ): posterior_chain = results.get_posterior_samples() if additional_chain: for k, v in additional_chain.items(): posterior_chain[k] = v if selected: posterior_chain = Position( { key: value for key, value in posterior_chain.items() if key in selected } ) if deselected is not None: for key in deselected: del posterior_chain[key] # get some general infos on the sampling param_chain = next(iter(posterior_chain.values())) epochs = results.positions.get_epochs() warmup_size = np.sum( [epoch.duration for epoch in epochs if epoch.type.is_warmup(epoch.type)] ) sample_info = { "num_chains": param_chain.shape[0], "sample_size_per_chain": param_chain.shape[1], "warmup_size_per_chain": warmup_size, } # convert everything to numpy array for key in posterior_chain: posterior_chain[key] = np.asarray(posterior_chain[key]) # calculate quantiles either per chain and merge the results or all at once single_chain_summaries = [] if per_chain: for chain_idx in range(sample_info["num_chains"]): single_chain = slice_leaves( posterior_chain, jnp.s_[None, chain_idx, ...] ) qdict = _create_quantity_dict(single_chain, quantiles, hdi_prob) single_chain_summaries.append(qdict) quantities = stack_leaves(single_chain_summaries, axis=0) else: quantities = _create_quantity_dict(posterior_chain, quantiles, hdi_prob) config = { "quantiles": quantiles, "hdi_prob": hdi_prob, "chains_merged": not per_chain, } error_summary = _make_error_summary( results.get_error_log(False).unwrap(), results.get_error_log(True) ) self.per_chain = per_chain self.quantities = quantities self.config = config self.sample_info = sample_info self.error_summary = error_summary self.kernels_by_pos_key = results.get_kernels_by_pos_key()
[docs] def to_dataframe(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Turns Summary object into a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object.""" # don't change the original data quants = self.quantities.copy() # make new entries for the quantiles if self.per_chain: for i, q in enumerate(self.config["quantiles"]): quants[f"q_{q}"] = { k: v[:, i, ...] for k, v in quants["quantile"].items() } quants["hdi_low"] = {k: v[:, 0, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} quants["hdi_high"] = {k: v[:, 1, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} else: for i, q in enumerate(self.config["quantiles"]): quants[f"q_{q}"] = {k: v[i, ...] for k, v in quants["quantile"].items()} quants["hdi_low"] = {k: v[0, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} quants["hdi_high"] = {k: v[1, ...] for k, v in quants["hdi"].items()} # remove the old entries del quants["quantile"] del quants["hdi"] # create one row per entry df_dict = {} for var in quants["mean"].keys(): it = np.nditer(quants["mean"][var], flags=["multi_index"]) for _ in it: var_fqn = ( var if len(it.multi_index) == 0 else f"{var}{list(it.multi_index)}" ) quant_per_elem: dict[str, Any] = {} quant_per_elem["variable"] = var quant_per_elem["kernel"] = self.kernels_by_pos_key.get(var, "-") if self.config["chains_merged"]: quant_per_elem["var_index"] = it.multi_index quant_per_elem["sample_size"] = ( self.sample_info["sample_size_per_chain"] * self.sample_info["num_chains"] ) else: quant_per_elem["chain_index"] = it.multi_index[0] quant_per_elem["var_index"] = it.multi_index[1:] quant_per_elem["sample_size"] = self.sample_info[ "sample_size_per_chain" ] for quant_name, quant_dict in quants.items(): quant_per_elem[quant_name] = quant_dict[var][it.multi_index] # convert DeviceArrays (scalar) to floats so that # pandas treats them correctly for key, val in quant_per_elem.items(): if type(val) == jaxlib.xla_extension.DeviceArray: # make mypy happy val = typing.cast(jnp.ndarray, val) # value should be a scalar assert val.shape == () # convert to float32 val = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(val))[0] quant_per_elem[key] = val df_dict[var_fqn] = quant_per_elem # convert to dataframe and use varname as index df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df_dict, orient="index") df = df.reset_index() df = df.rename(columns={"index": "var_fqn"}) df = df.set_index("variable") return df
def _param_df(self): df = self.to_dataframe() = "parameter" df = df.rename(columns={"var_index": "index"}) df = df.set_index("index", append=True) qtls = [f"q_{qtl}" for qtl in self.config["quantiles"]] cols = ( ["kernel", "mean", "sd"] + qtls + ["sample_size", "ess_bulk", "ess_tail", "rhat"] ) cols = [col for col in cols if col in df.columns] df = df[cols] return df def _error_df(self, per_chain=False): # fmt: off df = pd.concat({ kernel: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(code_summary, orient="index") for kernel, code_summary in self.error_summary.items() }) # fmt: on if df.empty: return df df = df.reset_index(level=1, drop=True) df["error_code"] = df["error_code"].astype(int) df = df.set_index(["error_code", "error_msg"], append=True) df.index.names = ["kernel", "error_code", "error_msg"] # fmt: off df = df.rename(columns={ "count_per_chain": "total", "count_per_chain_posterior": "posterior", }) # fmt: on df = df.explode(["total", "posterior"]) df["warmup"] = df["total"] - df["posterior"] df = df.drop(columns="total") df = df.melt( value_vars=["warmup", "posterior"], var_name="phase", value_name="count", ignore_index=False, ) df["phase"] = pd.Categorical(df["phase"], categories=["warmup", "posterior"]) df = df.set_index("phase", append=True) df["chain"] = df.groupby(level=[0, 1, 2, 3]).cumcount() df = df.set_index("chain", append=True) df = df.sort_index() df["sample_size"] = None warmup_size = self.sample_info["warmup_size_per_chain"] posterior_size = self.sample_info["sample_size_per_chain"] df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, :, "warmup"], "sample_size"] = warmup_size df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, :, :, "posterior"], "sample_size"] = posterior_size df["relative"] = df["count"] / df["sample_size"] df = df.drop(columns="sample_size") if not per_chain: df = df.groupby(level=[0, 1, 2, 3], observed=True) df = df.aggregate({"count": "sum", "relative": "mean"}) df = df.sort_index() return df def __repr__(self): param_df = self._param_df() error_df = self._error_df() txt = "Parameter summary:\n\n" + repr(param_df) if not error_df.empty: txt += "\n\nError summary:\n\n" + repr(error_df) return txt def _repr_html_(self): param_df = self._param_df() error_df = self._error_df() html = "\n<p><strong>Parameter summary:</strong></p>\n" + param_df.to_html() if not error_df.empty: html += "\n<p><strong>Error summary:</strong></p>\n" + error_df.to_html() html += "\n" return html def _repr_markdown_(self): param_df = self._param_df() error_df = self._error_df() try: param_md = param_df.to_markdown() error_md = error_df.to_markdown() except ImportError: param_md = f"```\n{repr(param_df)}\n```" error_md = f"```\n{repr(error_df)}\n```" md = "\n\n**Parameter summary:**\n\n" + param_md if not error_df.empty: md += "\n\n**Error summary:**\n\n" + error_md md += "\n\n" return md def __str__(self): return str(self.to_dataframe())
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated(reason="Functionality moved directly to the __init__.", version="0.1.4") def from_result( cls, result: SamplingResults, additional_chain: Position | None = None, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob: float = 0.9, selected: list[str] | None = None, deselected: list[str] | None = None, per_chain=False, ) -> Summary: """ Alias for :meth:`.from_results` for backwards compatibility. In addition to the name, there are two further subtle differences to :meth:`.from_results`. - The argument ``result`` is in singular. The method :meth:`.from_results` uses the plural instead. - The argument ``result`` is of type :class:`.SamplingResult`, which itself is an alias for :meth:`.SamplingResults`. """ return cls.from_results( results=result, additional_chain=additional_chain, quantiles=quantiles, hdi_prob=hdi_prob, selected=selected, deselected=deselected, per_chain=per_chain, )
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecated(reason="Functionality moved directly to the __init__.", version="0.1.4") def from_results( results: SamplingResults, additional_chain: Position | None = None, quantiles: Sequence[float] = (0.05, 0.5, 0.95), hdi_prob: float = 0.9, selected: list[str] | None = None, deselected: list[str] | None = None, per_chain=False, ) -> Summary: """ Creates a :class:`.Summary` object from a results object. """ return Summary( results=results, additional_chain=additional_chain, quantiles=quantiles, hdi_prob=hdi_prob, selected=selected, deselected=deselected, per_chain=per_chain, )
def _create_quantity_dict( chain: Position, quantiles: Sequence[float], hdi_prob: float ) -> dict[str, dict[str, np.ndarray]]: azchain = az.convert_to_inference_data(chain).posterior # calculate quantities mean = azchain.mean(dim=["chain", "draw"]) var = azchain.var(dim=["chain", "draw"]) sd = azchain.std(dim=["chain", "draw"]) quantile = azchain.quantile(q=quantiles, dim=["chain", "draw"]) hdi = az.hdi(azchain, hdi_prob=hdi_prob) ess_bulk = az.ess(azchain, method="bulk") ess_tail = az.ess(azchain, method="tail") mcse_mean = az.mcse(azchain, method="mean") mcse_sd = az.mcse(azchain, method="sd") # place quantities in dict quantities = { "mean": mean, "var": var, "sd": sd, "quantile": quantile, "hdi": hdi, "rhat": None, "ess_bulk": ess_bulk, "ess_tail": ess_tail, "mcse_mean": mcse_mean, "mcse_sd": mcse_sd, } if azchain.chain.size > 1: quantities["rhat"] = az.rhat(azchain) else: del quantities["rhat"] # convert to simple dict[str, np.ndarray] for key, val in quantities.items(): quantities[key] = {k: v.values for k, v in val.data_vars.items()} # hdi shape BEFORE # VarIDX --- HDI # special treatment for hdi since the function uses the last axis to refer # to the quantile for k, v in quantities["hdi"].items(): quantities["hdi"][k] = np.moveaxis(v, -1, 0) # hdi shape AFTER # HDI --- VarIDX return quantities