Linear regression#
In this tutorial, we build a linear regression model with Liesel and estimate it with Goose. Our goal is to illustrate the most important features of the software in a straightforward context.
Model building with Liesel#
Liesel is based on the concept of probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) to represent (primarily Bayesian) statistical models, so let us start with a very brief look at what PGMs are and how they are implemented in Liesel.
Probabilistic graphical models#
In a PGM, each variable is represented as a node. There are two basic types of nodes in Liesel: strong and weak nodes. A strong node is a node whose value is defined “outside” of the model, for example, if the node represents some observed data or a parameter (parameters are usually set by an inference algorithm such as an optimizer or sampler). In contrast, a weak node is a node whose value is defined “within” the model, that is, it is a deterministic function of some other nodes. An exp-transformation mapping a real-valued parameter to a positive number, for example, would be a weak node.
In addition, each node can have an optional probability distribution. The probability density or mass function of the distribution evaluated at the value of the node gives its log-probability. In a typical Bayesian regression model, the response node would have a normal distribution and the parameter nodes would have some prior distribution (for example, a normal-inverse-gamma prior). The following table shows the different node types and some examples of their use cases.
Strong node |
Weak node |
With distribution |
Response, parameter, … |
Copula, … |
Without distribution |
Covariate, hyperparameter, … |
Inverse link function, parameter transformation, … |
A PGM is essentially a collection of connected nodes. Two nodes can be connected through a directed edge, meaning that the first node is an input for the value or the distribution of the second node. Nodes without an edge between them are assumed to be conditionally independent, allowing us to factorize the model log-probability as
Before we can generate the data and build the model graph, we need to
load Liesel and a number of other packages. We usually import the model
building library liesel.model
as lsl
, and the MCMC library
as gs
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# We use distributions and bijectors from tensorflow probability
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.bijectors as tfb
import liesel.goose as gs
import liesel.model as lsl
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
Generating the data#
Now we can simulate 500 observations from the linear regression model \(y_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i, \;\sigma^2)\) with the true parameters \(\boldsymbol{\beta} = (\beta_0, \beta_1)' = (1, 2)'\) and \(\sigma = 1\). The relationship between the response \(y_i\) and the covariate \(x_i\) is visualized in the following scatterplot.
# sample size and true parameters
n = 500
true_beta = np.array([1.0, 2.0])
true_sigma = 1.0
# data-generating process
x0 = rng.uniform(size=n)
X_mat = np.column_stack([np.ones(n), x0])
eps = rng.normal(scale=true_sigma, size=n)
y_vec = X_mat @ true_beta + eps
# plot the simulated data
plt.scatter(x0, y_vec)
plt.title("Simulated data from the linear regression model")
plt.xlabel("Covariate x")
plt.ylabel("Response y")
Building the model graph#
The graph of a Bayesian linear regression model is a tree, where the
hyperparameters of the prior are the leaves and the response is the
root. To build this tree in Liesel, we need to start from the leaves and
work our way down to the root. As the most basic building blocks of a
model, Liesel provides the Var
class for instantiating
variables and the Dist
, class for wrapping probability
distributions. The Var
class comes with four constructors,
namely Var.new_param()
for parameters, Var.new_obs()
observed data, Var.new_calc()
for variables that are
deterministic functions of other variables in the model, and
for fixed values. See also Model Building
The regression coefficients#
Let’s assume the weakly informative prior \(\beta_0, \beta_1 \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 100^2)\) for the regression coefficients. Now, let us create the node for the regression coefficients.
To do so, we need to define its initial value and its node distribution
using the Dist
class. This class wraps distribution classes
with the TensorFlow Probability (TFP) API to connect them to our node
classes. Here, the node distribution is initialized with three
arguments: the TFP distribution object
and the two hyperparameter nodes representing the parameters of the
distribution. TFP uses the names loc
for the mean and scale
for the
standard deviation, so we have to use the same names here. This is a
general feature of Dist
, you can always use the parameter
names from TFP to refer to the parameters of your distribution.
beta_prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Normal, loc=0.0, scale=100.0)
Note that you could also provide a Node
or Var
instance for the loc
and scale
argument - this fact allows you to
build hierarchical models. If you provide floats like we do here, Liesel
will turn them into Value
nodes under the hood.
With this distribution object, we can now create the node for our
regression coefficient with the Var.new_param()
beta = lsl.Var.new_param(value=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), distribution=beta_prior, name="beta")
The standard deviation#
The second branch of the tree contains the residual standard deviation.
We build it in a similar way, now using the weakly informative prior
\(\sigma^2 \sim \text{InverseGamme}(a, b)\) with \(a = b = 0.01\) on the
squared standard deviation, i.e. the variance. Again, we use the
parameter names based on TFP. This time, we supply the hyperparameters
as Var
a = lsl.Var.new_param(0.01, name="a")
b = lsl.Var.new_param(0.01, name="b")
sigma_sq_prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.InverseGamma, concentration=a, scale=b)
sigma_sq = lsl.Var.new_param(value=10.0, distribution=sigma_sq_prior, name="sigma_sq")
Since we need to work not only with the variance, but with the scale, we
initialize the scale using Var.new_calc()
, to compute the square
We can use this variable constructor to include computations based on our nodes. It always takes a function as its first argument, and the nodes to be used as function inputs as the following arguments. This is the first weak node that we are setting up - all previous nodes have been strong.
sigma = lsl.Var.new_calc(jnp.sqrt, sigma_sq, name="sigma").update()
Design matrix, fitted values, and response#
To compute the matrix-vector product \(\mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta}\), we
use another variable instantiated via Var.new_calc()
. We can view
our model as \(y_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \;\sigma^2)\) with
\(\mu_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i\), so we use the name mu
for this
X = lsl.Var.new_obs(X_mat, name="X")
mu = lsl.Var.new_calc(, X, beta, name="mu")
Finally, we can connect the branches of the tree in a response node. The
value of the node are our observed response values. And since we assumed
the model \(y_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i, \;\sigma^2)\), we
also need to specify the response’s distribution. We use our previously
created nodes sigma
and mu
to specify this distribution:
y_dist = lsl.Dist(tfd.Normal, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
y = lsl.Var.new_obs(y_vec, distribution=y_dist, name="y")
Bringing the model together#
Now, to construct a full-fledged Liesel model from our individual node
objects, we can set up the Model
. Here, we will only add the
response node.
model = lsl.Model([y])
Model(24 nodes, 8 vars)
Since all other nodes are directly or indirectly connected to this node, the Model will add those nodes automatically when it builds the model. The model provides a couple of convenience features, for example, to evaluate the model log-probability, or to update the nodes in a topological order.
The plot_vars()
function visualizes the graph of a model.
Strong nodes are shown in blue, weak nodes in red. Nodes with a
probability distribution are highlighted with a star. In the figure
below, we can see the tree-like structure of the graph and identify the
two branches for the mean and the standard deviation of the response. If
the layout of the graph looks messy for you, please make sure you have
the pygraphviz
package installed.
Node and model log-probabilities#
The log-probability of the model, which can be interpreted as the
(unnormalized) log-posterior in a Bayesian context, can be accessed with
the log_prob
Array(-1179.6559, dtype=float32)
The individual nodes also have a log_prob
property. In fact, because
of the conditional independence assumption of the model, the
log-probability of the model is given by the sum of the
log-probabilities of the nodes with probability distributions. We take
the sum for the .log_prob
attributes of beta
and y
because, per
default, the attributes return the individual log-probability
contributions of each element in the values of the nodes. So for beta
we would get two log-probability values, and for y
we would get 500.
beta.log_prob.sum() + sigma_sq.log_prob + y.log_prob.sum()
Array(-1179.6559, dtype=float32)
Nodes without a probability distribution return a log-probability of zero.
The log-probability of a node depends on its value and its inputs. Thus, if we change the variance of the response from 10 to 1, the log-probability of the corresponding node, the log-probability of the response node, and the log-probability of the model change as well. Note that, since the actual input to the response distribution is the standard deviation \(\sigma\), we have to update its value after changing the value of \(\sigma^2\).
print(f"Old value of sigma_sq: {sigma_sq.value}")
Old value of sigma_sq: 10.0
print(f"Old log-prob of sigma_sq: {sigma_sq.log_prob}")
Old log-prob of sigma_sq: -6.972140312194824
print(f"Old log-prob of y: {y.log_prob.sum()}\n")
Old log-prob of y: -1161.635498046875
sigma_sq.value = 1.0
print(f"New value of sigma_sq: {sigma_sq.value}")
New value of sigma_sq: 1.0
print(f"New log-prob of sigma_sq: {sigma_sq.log_prob}")
New log-prob of sigma_sq: -4.655529975891113
print(f"New log-prob of y: {y.log_prob.sum()}\n")
New log-prob of y: -1724.6702880859375
print(f"New model log-prob: {model.log_prob}")
New model log-prob: -1740.3740234375
For most inference algorithms, we need the gradient of the model log-probability with respect to the parameters. Liesel uses the JAX library for numerical computing and machine learning to compute gradients using automatic differentiation.
MCMC inference with Goose#
This section illustrates the key features of Liesel’s MCMC framework
Goose. To use Goose, the user needs to select one or more sampling
algorithms, called (transition) kernels, for the model parameters. Goose
comes with a number of standard kernels such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
) or the No U-Turn Sampler
). Multiple kernels can be combined in one
sampling scheme and assigned to different parameters, and the user can
implement their own problem-specific kernels, as long as they are
compatible with the Kernel
protocol. In any case, the user is
responsible for constructing a mathematically valid algorithm. Refer to
MCMC Sampling (liesel.goose) for an overview of
important Goose functionality.
We start with a very simple sampling scheme, keeping \(\sigma^2\) fixed at
the true value and using a NUTS sampler for \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\). The
kernels are added to a Engine
, which coordinates the
sampling, including the kernel tuning during the warmup, and the MCMC
bookkeeping. The engine can be configured step by step with a
. We need to inform the builder about the model,
the initial values, the kernels, and the sampling duration. Finally, we
can call the
method, which returns a fully
configured engine.
sigma_sq.value = true_sigma**2 # setting sigma_sq to the true value
builder = gs.EngineBuilder(seed=1337, num_chains=4)
interface = gs.LieselInterface(model)
builder.set_duration(warmup_duration=1000, posterior_duration=1000)
engine =
Now we can run the MCMC algorithm for the specified duration by calling
the sample_all_epochs()
method. In a first step,
the model and the sampling algorithm are compiled, so don’t worry if you
don’t see an output right away. The subsequent samples will be generated
much faster. Finally, we can extract the results and print a summary
0%| | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
33%|############## | 1/3 [00:03<00:06, 3.13s/chunk]
100%|##########################################| 3/3 [00:03<00:00, 1.05s/chunk]
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 217.06chunk/s]
0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 231.81chunk/s]
0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 319.67chunk/s]
0%| | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 361.27chunk/s]
0%| | 0/20 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#######################################| 20/20 [00:00<00:00, 375.12chunk/s]
0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 298.16chunk/s]
0%| | 0/40 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
95%|##################################### | 38/40 [00:00<00:00, 374.17chunk/s]
100%|#######################################| 40/40 [00:00<00:00, 372.34chunk/s]
results = engine.get_results()
summary = gs.Summary(results)
Parameter summary:
kernel | mean | sd | q_0.05 | q_0.5 | q_0.95 | sample_size | ess_bulk | ess_tail | rhat | ||
parameter | index | ||||||||||
beta | (0,) | kernel_00 | 0.987 | 0.085 | 0.847 | 0.986 | 1.129 | 4000 | 1153.472 | 1302.443 | 1.005 |
(1,) | kernel_00 | 1.905 | 0.149 | 1.652 | 1.908 | 2.147 | 4000 | 1082.958 | 1175.095 | 1.004 |
Error summary:
count | relative | ||||
kernel | error_code | error_msg | phase | ||
kernel_00 | 1 | divergent transition | warmup | 60 | 0.015 |
posterior | 0 | 0.000 |
If we need more samples, we can append another epoch to the engine and
sample it by calling either the sample_next_epoch()
or the sample_all_epochs()
method. The epochs are
described by EpochConfig
gs.EpochConfig(gs.EpochType.POSTERIOR, duration=1000, thinning=1, optional=None)
0%| | 0/40 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
95%|##################################### | 38/40 [00:00<00:00, 371.35chunk/s]
100%|#######################################| 40/40 [00:00<00:00, 371.79chunk/s]
No compilation is required at this point, so this is pretty fast.
Using a Gibbs kernel#
So far, we have not sampled our variance parameter sigma_sq
; we simply
fixed it to the true value of one. Now we extend our model with a Gibbs
sampler for sigma_sq
. Using a Gibbs kernel is a bit more complicated,
because Goose doesn’t automatically derive the full conditional from the
model graph. Hence, the user needs to provide a function to sample from
the full conditional. The function needs to accept a PRNG state and a
model state as arguments, and it needs to return a dictionary with the
node name as the key and the new node value as the value. We could also
update multiple parameters with one Gibbs kernel if we returned a
dictionary of length two or more.
To retrieve the relevant values of our nodes from the model_state
, we
use the method
of the
def draw_sigma_sq(prng_key, model_state):
# extract relevant values from model state
pos = interface.extract_position(
position_keys=["y", "mu", "sigma_sq", "a", "b"],
# calculate relevant intermediate quantities
n = len(pos["y"])
resid = pos["y"] - pos["mu"]
a_gibbs = pos["a"] + n / 2
b_gibbs = pos["b"] + jnp.sum(resid**2) / 2
# draw new value from full conditional
draw = b_gibbs / jax.random.gamma(prng_key, a_gibbs)
# return key-value pair of variable name and new value
return {"sigma_sq": draw}
We build the engine in a similar way as before, but this time adding the Gibbs kernel as well.
builder = gs.EngineBuilder(seed=1338, num_chains=4)
builder.add_kernel(gs.GibbsKernel(["sigma_sq"], draw_sigma_sq))
builder.set_duration(warmup_duration=1000, posterior_duration=1000)
engine =
0%| | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
33%|############## | 1/3 [00:03<00:07, 3.86s/chunk]
100%|##########################################| 3/3 [00:03<00:00, 1.29s/chunk]
0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 221.83chunk/s]
0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 241.16chunk/s]
0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 287.26chunk/s]
0%| | 0/8 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 8/8 [00:00<00:00, 327.43chunk/s]
0%| | 0/20 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#######################################| 20/20 [00:00<00:00, 384.92chunk/s]
0%| | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
100%|#########################################| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 233.62chunk/s]
0%| | 0/40 [00:00<?, ?chunk/s]
90%|###################################1 | 36/40 [00:00<00:00, 354.57chunk/s]
100%|#######################################| 40/40 [00:00<00:00, 355.12chunk/s]
Goose provides a couple of convenient numerical and graphical summary
tools. The Summary
class computes several
summary statistics that can be either accessed programmatically or
displayed as a summary table.
results = engine.get_results()
summary = gs.Summary(results)
Parameter summary:
kernel | mean | sd | q_0.05 | q_0.5 | q_0.95 | sample_size | ess_bulk | ess_tail | rhat | ||
parameter | index | ||||||||||
beta | (0,) | kernel_00 | 0.985 | 0.090 | 0.840 | 0.986 | 1.136 | 4000 | 1025.905 | 1187.025 | 1.003 |
(1,) | kernel_00 | 1.906 | 0.158 | 1.645 | 1.908 | 2.168 | 4000 | 992.115 | 1241.340 | 1.001 | |
sigma_sq | () | kernel_01 | 1.044 | 0.066 | 0.940 | 1.042 | 1.156 | 4000 | 3661.012 | 3511.835 | 1.000 |
Error summary:
count | relative | ||||
kernel | error_code | error_msg | phase | ||
kernel_00 | 1 | divergent transition | warmup | 50 | 0.012 |
posterior | 0 | 0.000 |
We can plot the trace plots of the chains with
g = gs.plot_trace(results)
We could also take a look at a kernel density estimator with
and the estimated autocorrelation with
. Alternatively, we can output all three
diagnostic plots together with plot_param()
. The
following plot shows the parameter \(\beta_0\).
gs.plot_param(results, param="beta", param_index=0)
Here, we end this first tutorial. We have learned about a lot of different classes and we have seen how we can flexibly use different Kernels for drawing MCMC samples - that is quite a bit for the start. Now, have fun modelling with Liesel!