Source code for liesel.model.goose

Goose model interface.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Iterable, Sequence

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd

from ..goose.gibbs import GibbsKernel
from ..goose.types import ModelState, Position
from .model import Model

[docs] class GooseModel: """ A :class:`.ModelInterface` for a Liesel :class:`.Model`. This is an alias for :class:`~.goose.LieselInterface` provided for backwards compatibility. .. deprecated:: v0.2.6 Use :class:`~.goose.LieselInterface` instead. This alias will be removed in v0.4.0. Parameters ---------- model A Liesel :class:`.Model`. """ def __init__(self, model: Model): self._model = model._copy_computational_model() warnings.warn( "lsl.GooseModel is deprecated. Use gs.LieselInterface instead." "This alias will be removed in v0.4.0.", FutureWarning, )
[docs] def extract_position( self, position_keys: Iterable[str], model_state: ModelState ) -> Position: """ Extracts a position from a model state. Parameters ---------- position_keys An iterable of variable or node names. model_state A dictionary of node names and their corresponding :class:`.NodeState`. """ position = {} for key in position_keys: try: position[key] = model_state[key].value except KeyError: node_key = self._model.vars[key] position[key] = model_state[node_key].value return Position(position)
[docs] def update_state(self, position: Position, model_state: ModelState) -> ModelState: """ Updates and returns a model state given a position. Parameters ---------- position A dictionary of variable or node names and values. model_state A dictionary of node names and their corresponding :class:`.NodeState`. Warnings -------- The ``model_state`` must be up-to-date, i.e. it must *not* contain any outdated nodes. Updates can only be triggered through new variable or node values in the ``position``. If you supply a ``model_state`` with outdated nodes, these nodes and their outputs will not be updated. """ # sets all outdated flags in the model state to false # this is required to make the function jittable self._model.state = model_state for node in self._model.nodes.values(): node._outdated = False for key, value in position.items(): try: self._model.nodes[key].value = value # type: ignore # data node except KeyError: self._model.vars[key].value = value self._model.update() return self._model.state
[docs] def log_prob(self, model_state: ModelState) -> float: """ Returns the log-probability from a model state. Parameters ---------- model_state A dictionary of node names and their corresponding :class:`.NodeState`. """ return model_state["_model_log_prob"].value
[docs] def finite_discrete_gibbs_kernel( name: str, model: Model, outcomes: Sequence | None = None ) -> GibbsKernel: """ Creates a Gibbs kernel for a parameter with a finite discrete (categorical) prior. The prior distribution of the variable to sample must be a categorical distribution, usually implemented via :class:`tfd.FiniteDiscrete`. This kernel evaluates the full conditional log probability of the model for each possible value of the variable to sample. It then draws a new value for the variable from the categorical distribution defined by the full conditional log probabilities. Parameters ---------- name The name of the variable to sample. model The model to sample from. outcomes The possible outcomes of the variable to sample. If ``outcomes=None``, the \ possible outcomes are extracted from the prior distribution of the variable \ to sample. Note however, that this only works for some prior distributions. \ If the possible outcomes cannot be extracted from the prior distribution, \ you must specify them manually via this argument. Examples -------- In the following example, we create a categorical Gibbs kernel for a variable with three possible values. The prior distribution of the variable is a finite discrete (categorical) distribution with the probabilities ``[0.1, 0.2, 0.7]``. You can then use the kernel to sample from the model: >>> import tensorflow_probability.substrates.jax.distributions as tfd >>> values = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0] >>> prior_probs = [0.1, 0.2, 0.7] >>> value_grid = lsl.Var(values, name="value_grid") >>> prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.FiniteDiscrete, outcomes=value_grid, probs=prior_probs) >>> categorical_var = lsl.Var( ... value=values[0], ... distribution=prior, ... name="categorical_var", ... ) >>> model = lsl.GraphBuilder().add(categorical_var).build_model() >>> kernel = finite_discrete_gibbs_kernel("categorical_var", model) >>> type(kernel) <class 'liesel.goose.gibbs.GibbsKernel'> Example for a variable with a Bernoulli prior distribution: >>> prior = lsl.Dist(tfd.Bernoulli, probs=lsl.Data(0.7)) >>> dummy_var = lsl.Var( ... value=1, ... distribution=prior, ... name="dummy_var", ... ) >>> model = lsl.GraphBuilder().add(dummy_var).build_model() >>> kernel = finite_discrete_gibbs_kernel("dummy_var", model, outcomes=[0, 1]) >>> type(kernel) <class 'liesel.goose.gibbs.GibbsKernel'> """ if outcomes is not None: outcomes = jnp.asarray(outcomes) else: dist = model.vars[name].dist_node.init_dist() # type: ignore assert dist.batch_shape == () match dist: case tfd.Bernoulli(): outcomes = jnp.array([0, 1], dtype=dist.dtype) case tfd.FiniteDiscrete(): outcomes = dist.outcomes case _: raise ValueError( "Cannot extract outcomes from the distribution of variable " f"'{name}'. Please provide the argument 'outcomes'." ) model = model._copy_computational_model() model.auto_update = False def transition_fn(prng_key, model_state): model.state = model_state for node in model.nodes.values(): node._outdated = False def conditional_log_prob_fn(value): """ Evaluates the full conditional log probability of the model given the input value. """ model.vars[name].value = value model.update("_model_log_prob") return model.log_prob conditional_log_probs = jax.vmap(conditional_log_prob_fn)(outcomes) draw_index = jax.random.categorical(prng_key, logits=conditional_log_probs) draw = outcomes[draw_index] return {name: draw} return GibbsKernel([name], transition_fn)